1748 Votes allocated - 26-Aug-2010
Thrown out of his own UKIP Branch as chairman for corruption.
Hugh Williams colluded with the undeniably corrupt and dishonest Malcolm Wood to out manouver the decisions of the Branch Committee. They also seemingly colluded with Graham Booth assisted by John Wittacker to lie, cheat and dissemble to obfuscate the 50 (as I recall) financial irregularities found in the UKIP accounts - even with a pack of lies from Whittacker Graham Booth was unable to provide viable answers to almost all of the valid questions.
Hugh Williams nominated Bannerman (I guess someone had to)! Quid pro quo I presume.
I believe it would be in Britain's interest to shut down UKIP rather than see this rascal in office.
Just look at his signators - I see no reason to trust this man with the funds from the tuck shop - Old Etonian or not, a bean counter PROVEN to be without integrity, a liar and a cheat fired by his own branch as untrustworthy!
Age 63. Another waste of space. Thinks Marta Andreasen is great. Oh, really? So you support staying in the EU? Marta does! For more on Marta please read our comments on Toby Mickelthwaite. They can be found further down the page.
Assentors include Andreasen and Bannerman.When did the news break, as claimed by this oleagenous little creep, that Marta Andreasen had been disgracefully treated by the EU or exposed their finances?
Mr Williams was thrown out of his own UKIP Branch as chairman for corruption - including colluding with Malcolm Wood to out manoeuvre the decisions of the Branch Committee - nominated Bannerman. We guess someone had to endorse the lying chump! To view the original of this comment CLICK HERE
Would that be before or after Tim Sebastian exposed the fact that she was a liar and had been suspended and then thrown out of her job after 18 months by The OECD, information it seems she saw fit to withold from her CV when employed by The EU as a bean counter.
Perhaps it was after she was fired for failing to tell the truth in her CV and I understand failing to do the job she was hired to do, to produce a report identifying areas where corruption was possible in her department and make recommendations as to how it could be rectified.
Surely an Eton schooled seeming failure, who cheats and lies and ended up as a provincial accountant would realise there is no chance she was The EU Chief Accountant as she claims.
In the light of the irrefutable fact that Andreasen has lied and is not a British citizen nor even a resident with no understanding of Britain perhaps Hugh Williams would care to tell us all if he lied deliberately to aid The EU in foisting this dishonest and sleazy Spaniard from Barcelona on us or was he just staggeringly stupid, in the light of the fact that a quick Google check shows up CLICK HERE - I found it, why could not he.
Hugh Williams are you unfit for office on account of your duplicity and dishonesty or on account of your gullibility and stupidity - clearly you are unfit I wonder which reason should be on your resignation - or as ever is criminal stupidity considered acceptable because you were a clunk at Eton as with the dishonesty and corruption of that other Old Etonian dullard Pearson.
30 Aug 2010
It is the likes of Douglas Denny, Mick McTrough,, Kevin Mahoney, George Thomas, Mark Croucher, Gawain Towler, Paul Nuttall, Derek Clark, David Bannerman, Marta Andreasen, Hugh Williams, Peter Reeve, George Curtis, Gulleford, ...
20 Aug 2010
It is the likes of Douglas Denny, Mick McTrough, Mark Croucher, Gawain Towler, Paul Nuttall, Derek Clark, David Bannerman, Marta Andreasen, Hugh Williams, Peter Reeve, George Curtis, Gulleford, Graham Booth, William Dartmouth, ...
04 Aug 2010
WILLIAMS, Hugh - Thrown out of his own UKIP Branch as chairman for corruption - including colluding with Malcolm Wood to out manouver the decisions of the Branch Committee - nominated Bannerman (I guess someone had to) ...
02 Feb 2009
Hugh Williams is a thoroughly corrupt and dishonest individual. Hugh Williams was chucked out of the committee of his branch in EUkip where he was chairman and had manipulated records and colluded with the proven liar and self seeker ...
04 Feb 2009
No clearly those who signed The Faragista Fan Club's grab for power and creation of a potential escape hatch without liability are not to be trusted and nor are their nodding donkeys such as Hugh Williams. ...
04 Feb 2009
12 Feb 2009
Then Malcolm Wood was appointed and accepted but we understand that he has been removed - possibly because it became too widely known that he was a liar and a cheat who had habitually lied and colluded with others, such as Hugh Williams ...
02 Nov 2008
02 Nov 2008
We KNOW based on track record that there are sufficient liars in amongst the NEC to ensure that like the South West Minutes fiddled by Malcolm Wood and previously by Hugh Williams – just as with the lies of Graham Booth regarding ...
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