BURTON, Elizabeth
- Guinness Book of Records Candidate - will be about 90 at expiry of her term if elected!
"I think that you will find that it was Elizabeth Burton who 'seconded' Douglas Denny's motion for Ashford to be taken under direct control of the NEC. Like Douglas D., she also seemed indifferent to minor points like first having the accounts audited, and investigating the 'legal advice' that UKIP was responsible for employing former call centre employees. Should she not be elected, she must surely warrant being given her 'own show' at peak-time viewing."Highlighted by - Douglas DENNY.
When last on the NEC would frequently ask Farage how he wanted her to vote and frequently was unaware of the subject matter - possibly due to hearing loss.
Expected to be corrupt and self serving by the 'cabal' as she has been proposed by Godfrey Bloom see above and also CLICK HERE
Can NOT be faulted for her dedication to the cause but may miss out on what the cause is!
Notoriously said at a SW Committee meeting understood to have been called to deselect Gawain Towler from office after being caught by his wife in the bath with his daughter and an erection - an openly stated bisexual of which he boasts on his blog, parted from his wife it is claimed as he was located horizontally with a member of staff!
Elizabeth's comment was wonderfull:
"But surely all men get erections in a nice warm bath", there was a pause into which she interjected "but I am no expert".
I regret ANY lady who feels she is noticeably too old for the job and seeks the shelter of O.A.P., Elder Citizen or 'Retired' has just made it abundantly clear they see themselves as too old, sadly as when Elizabeth had so much to offer and the commensurate energy, which she used tirelessly trying to get herself to Brussels, UKIP failed to avail themselves of her contacts and talents - it is now too late.Votes as N.F. 'instructs' .
The NEC vote rigging scandal continues. See: LINK
We note with amusement that the usual idiots were quick to deny that Ms Burton was allowed to count her own votes at the NEC count.
So would they like to explain why Ms Burton has declined to deny the allegations or even make a short statement?
Dr Edmond’s blog has this say on the subject:
I have read with some amusement the efforts of the UKIP spin machine to misrepresent my blog on the NEC election fiasco. The shambles UKIP created could have been so easily avoided by using the Electoral Reform Society voting ballot service. It would have done UKIP no end of good with the electorate to be seen as a 'clean' party, a transparent party, a party with nothing to hide that clearly represented its members and the wider electorates wishes to leave the EU. Instead we have an administrative cock up!
The complaint implicit in my previous blog was not against any individual candidate but the chaotic system itself which it is alleged has allowed a candidate to become involved with the ballot count. That seems to me to be down to an absent returning officer, an acting returning officer who appears to have been uncertain of the rules and whom my informant alleges was taking advice from the UKIP office manager. It is the duty of the returning officer, no one else, to conduct the ballot according to the electoral norms of the UK!
One simple point, if you watch the count for any parliamentary or council election you will see it is conducted in one large room where the scrutineers and returning officer can see all that is happening during the count. What UKIP's acting returning officer allegedly did was to split the count between two rooms! Scrutineers and the returning officer cannot be in two rooms at once and validate the count. Hence if this allegation is proved true the count is fatally flawed and the election has to be rerun.
UKIP has for too long ignored its own rules, eg on MEP candidate eligibility, and electoral law on financial contributions as represented by the electoral commission. Any serious political party must obey its own rules and the law of the land. UKIP fails both tests. It simply cannot go on like this. This culture comes from the top and has to change. UKIP needs a new leader, a new culture and a new epicentre in the UK not Brussels.
I hope what happened to me and David Abbott, both democratically elected representatives of the members on UKIP's highest committee, kicked off and smeared because we disagreed with the leader will never ever then happen again.
To see the original: LINK
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