#Doc020* - Ian GILMAN UKIP NEC (Quit in Disgust) Responds To Douglas DENNY's Distortions!
Clean EUkip up NOW & make UKIP electable!
The corruption of some of EUkip’s leadership,
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!
Ian GILMAN UKIP NEC (Quit in Disgust) Responds To Douglas DENNY's Distortions!
we have many examples of the comments of the liar Douglas Denny who was thrown out as Returning Officer of UKIP during the farcical leadership election scam that put Nigel Farage in place as leader - Douglas Denny was, as you will all remember dumped for his efforts to corrupt the election, his dishonesty and his outright corruption of the due process. UKIP NEC removed him as being corrupt and untrustworthy and replaced him with Geoffrey Kingscott, who sadly was little better!
You can read more of Douglas Denny's serial dishonesties that have done UKIP such harm over the years if you CLICK HERE and HERE
Here is the odious little man at it again in his best Uriah Heep style trying to rewrite history, seemingly his favourite passtime after of course holding forth in tedious and grossly ill informed detail on Intel. and the work of Undercover Agents and Black Ops. about which he clearly learned in comics as a child and possibly even novels in later life - sadly he thinks he knows what he is talking about in his Pooteresque pomposity!
The man is not only without ethics, principles and integrity but clearly dishonourable as he is, one must at very least concede, delusionsl!
Originally Posted by Douglas Denny
I had a copy of Ian Gillman's resignation letter at the time but should anyone who still has a copy (and a better filing system than I!) would care, in confidence to send me a copy I do believe to do Ian Gillman justice in this can of worms that is UKIP I would be only too happy to publish it - My thanks for this copy sent to me:
Though I found Ian to be irritatingly unreliable and prone to astonishing leaps of conclusion he fundamentally had his heart in the right place and I am pleased to see he has made some use of all those well researched quotes when he planned to write grand 'Opus' of Greece - which must still be poised among the cacti, cats and preened chaos awaiting final touches!
Gillman's letter led to others showing examples of Douglas Denny's fundamental dishonesty and the corruption of UKIP by people like him and the other members of the leadership.
Denny's response, being a vile little man and utterly self serving, was to seek to blame all others and micturate on everyone who knew too much about him as you can see:
Ian Gillman responded:
I had a copy of Ian Gillman's resignation letter at the time but should anyone who still has a copy (and a better filing system than I!) would care, in confidence to send me a copy I do believe to do Ian Gillman justice in this can of worms that is UKIP I would be only too happy to publish it - though I found Ian to be irritatingly unreliable and prone to astonishing leaps of conclusion he fundamentally had his heart in the right place and I am pleased to see he has made some use of all those well researched quotes when he planned to write grand 'Opus' of Greece - which must still be poised among the cacti, cats and preened chaos awaiting final touches!
Then after various comments that were irrelevant and the odd constructive input of Geoffrey Colliers Ian Gillman responded with more details but no meaningfull evidence to support his earlier claims unfortunately - I have reduced in size the extraneous material that seems strangely out of place!
I will I am sure not be the only one who now awaits
THEN perhaps we can make some progress!
It does seem that without this numerous £Millions that seem to have gone missing will never be retrieved - it is all very well for the real politicians to rant about benefits fraud and even about the paultry amounts each they get away with but what of these EU posers? On the last petition alone, held by Farage's Party, because at the end of the day it is not a political party it is merely Farage's cash cow it seems - on that petition £250,000 of tax payers money was used as seed money to set it up yet with Farage, David Lott and Mark Croucher seemingly the ones involved not only was the petition never held but no accounting of the costs was ever provided - did they just pocket the money?
So how about Ian Gillman comes up with some interesting evidence to back the interesting stories!
Another letter from Ian Gillman mailed on the 31-Aug-2010
for publication in the public domain domain has been sent to me
more lies and defamatory accusations from UKIP Gutter:
To Quote Douglas Denny in another string of lies once again proven:
consider his defamation of Niall Warry -
Do note that by dishonesty and duplicity of such a standard UKIP refused Niall Warry renewal of his membership - largely due to the simpering and lies of Douglas Denny who had done all in his power to cover-up the criminality of Tom Wise for which UKIP MEP Tom Wise was sentenced to 2 years in prison.
The corrupt manner in which Douglas Denny and others acted found them potentially the wrong side of a High Court action potentially facing someone who could afford to and would defend his reputation against liars and proven corrupt little men like Douglas Denny.
Niall Warry was restored to the membership, where he remained seeking to Clean-Up UKIP and particularly its leadership who are not only incompetent but dishonest, muddled and crass - Niall Warry remained a member but found, as did Stuart Wheeler, that under the leadership of Nigel Farage it clearly was untrustworthy, corrupt, incompetent and unelectable.
Like Stuart Wheeler, Niall Warry resigned his membership and stood in Somerton and Frome as an Independent Leave-The-EU Alliance candidate. Wheeler stood in a South Coast constituency. There was absolutely no public evidence of any kind of disciplinary committee being called - perhaps had there been numerous of the NEC and leadership of UKIP could have been brought before it, not least of whom would be Douglas Denny for so often dragging UKIP into the gutter of lies and fantasies he inhabits!
You will recall Douglas Denny was removed as UKIP returning officer by a majority vote of his NEC colleagues, for his dishonesty and corruption.
Absolutely no one has EVER put their name to a defence of this dishonest little worm of a man, with his endless lies and serial fantasies.
You will note he yet again seeks to defame me - It seems one is denied both free speech and the right to expose the truth in the crazy world of NEC & UKIP Leadership!
You will note despite the serial lies and endless dishonesties of Douglas Denny he has failed to substantiate a single solitary one of his lies and fantasies about me - Douglas Denny conveniently forgets that I am not nor have I ever been a member of UKIP and further he will find no instance EVER where I can be shown to be opposed to membership of The EU and vociferously and energetically at my own expense nor an instance where I have NOT sought to uphold the integrity of UKIP seeking to try to 'clean it up' to make it electable - something UKIP has proved in literally 1,000s of seats and elections that it is not.
Douglas Denny YOU are a liar, a fantasist, a cheat and a low life whose corruption and dishonesty and utter stupidity has brought nothing but shame on both UKIP and the EUroSceptic movement.
You will recall that at the selection of PPCs at Douglas Denny's own constituency he not only failed but obtained only 3 votes of suppot - his own, his poor wife's and one other whilst a relative unknown was selected as Douglas Denny is known to be dishonest.
Yes Douglas Denny is a liar and a cheat but that puts him in good company on UKIP NEC, just look at the pond life gathered there numerous of whom have been proven to be liars and cheats and to have colluded in corruption.
Ian Gilman responded to Douglas Denny, yet again proving Douglas Denny to be a liar, today 07-Feb-2011:
It would seem Ian Gilman has had further thoughts regarding finances within UKIP's clearly corrupt leadership structure - seemingly brought on by the April 30th. Regional Committee Meeting where Derek Clark - who has been legitimately de-selected as a member is expected to try to seize the chairmanship to continue tyo orchestrate the cover-up and dishopnesty - the lies and the fiddling he has clearly been proven to have been embroiled in seemingly aided and abetted by Nigel Farage and UKIP Official Policy to lie to members, the electorate, the Regional Committees and the media - presumably for personal gain and to work towards continued enrichment on the EU Gravy Train!
Ian Gillman's re-assembly of established facts that have been widely published yet never satisfactorily explained is worth reading to remind oneself of just what huge sums have gone missing, unaccounted to those it was seemingly stolen from:
The sad spectacle of Mick McGough's response was addressed at CLICK HERE
INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
Clean EUkip up NOW & make UKIP electable!
The corruption of some of EUkip’s leadership,
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!
Ian GILMAN UKIP NEC (Quit in Disgust) Responds To Douglas DENNY's Distortions!
we have many examples of the comments of the liar Douglas Denny who was thrown out as Returning Officer of UKIP during the farcical leadership election scam that put Nigel Farage in place as leader - Douglas Denny was, as you will all remember dumped for his efforts to corrupt the election, his dishonesty and his outright corruption of the due process. UKIP NEC removed him as being corrupt and untrustworthy and replaced him with Geoffrey Kingscott, who sadly was little better!
You can read more of Douglas Denny's serial dishonesties that have done UKIP such harm over the years if you CLICK HERE and HERE
Here is the odious little man at it again in his best Uriah Heep style trying to rewrite history, seemingly his favourite passtime after of course holding forth in tedious and grossly ill informed detail on Intel. and the work of Undercover Agents and Black Ops. about which he clearly learned in comics as a child and possibly even novels in later life - sadly he thinks he knows what he is talking about in his Pooteresque pomposity!
The man is not only without ethics, principles and integrity but clearly dishonourable as he is, one must at very least concede, delusionsl!
Originally Posted by Douglas Denny
This damning with faint praise and misrepresentation by innuendo hasprompted a response from Ian Gilman which has been sent to me:Yes it was Mr. Gillman who proposed it to the NEC when he was a member. I refrained form mentioning his name.From UKIP's perspective the 'Wine World' idea never got anywhere. It was accepted by the NEC to give it a try that's all. The detail you mention I have no idea of. All I do know is it was mentioned again at the next NEC meeting I think it was, that it had been ditched as an idea because there was some legal problem with the fact it was sales by recommendation or something like that, which could not progress with the party and its legal status.You are taxing my memory where all I definitely remember was it came as a suggestion and went again as fast. UKIP had little input as it was Gillman's idea along with someone who was a friend of his, I think not even in the party, and was a wine merchant.Ian Gillman resigned from the NEC with some person objection about the party that I never learned properly or understood. He was a pleasant fellow I recall.DED.
August 03 2010
Dear Mr. Denny,The father of tradgedy; Aeschylus (525-456 B.C.) wrote that "In war, truth is the first casualty".
I have been encouraged by several others; even against my own will, to use this medium for the first time in order to place clearly upon record actual facts, indeed the truth which I beleive that you already know.
You may even; in the interests of truth , choose to correct your above mailing.
Your timing for raising these matters; and indeed opening up old wounds, and invoking my philanthropic involvement with UKIP for some 15 years is clearly of significance to yourself, and perhaps the leadership and NEC.
Perhaps it is to coincide with the coming National UKIP Conference, the NEC meeting before that;even the concluding E.U. fraud office O.L.A.F. investigations (nothing whatsoever to do with me ; may I add) even perhaps regional committee /branch meetings as well; in order to assist ongoing enquiries.
Following the 2005 General Election ,the campaign organiser David Lott reported to the NEC that we owed debts of £ 93,000. No person (including your good self) upon that committee had any ideas how to raise such money. A sometimes tense and lengthy discussion ensued.
I immediately thought of two workable fundraising ideas with ongoing provable monthly income for the party; researched and prepared reports (entirely at my own cost) long before the next NEC, circulated those reports to all , they were both accepted by everyone, even without the usual dissent. We were all anxious to cover the debts; frankly.
UKIP Affinity Credit Cards:
I spoke with 18 financial institutions. You may choose to recall, my own card has for nearly 30 years now paid one quarter of one % of everything spent to Yorkshire Cricket Club for youth coaching/academy purposes. Cricket being my favourite sport, I played a lot of it; rather badly.
The card could have the Union Jack thereon; and UKIP Logo. Perhaps Nottingham Forest F.C. were the first to use this idea, as it spread throughout the sporting world. The Liberal Democrats I briefed; had used the idea too for some years. UKIP could have generated an ongoing , ever building monthly income from that NEC accepted idea.Monies would have been electronically sent to a UKIP national account in a fashion that would please the treasurer, an auditor, the Inland Revenue and The Electoral Commissioners.
It was destroyed. Someone called "Our Financial Guru" was given the idea. Neither I; nor even the treasurer could ever find The Guru.
UKIP Wine World:
Accepted without any objections by the NEC. You again may choose to recall that I researched a number of potentially suitable merchants, none of whom were related to me in any way or friends. This included the largest in Britain, Laithwaites of Reading; where I dealt with the Marketing Director who reluctantly returned to me following a directors meeting with the news that they did not have the required software/administrative/Revenue & Customs satisfying facility at that moment to handle our specific (external to them) requirements.
The Wine Merchant who could actually satisfy the UKIP treasurer/auditor/Revenue & Customs/his commercial bank, was not connected to me in any capacity , and never a friend before or since this debacle ( I made this absolutly clear throughout) lived within a mile of me. I subquently lost contact with him.
He had then (5 years ago) been in business for 35 years, shared a massive (bonded) warehousing facility with I think three others and offered over 500 fine wines, real ales, and various other items.Specialising in owner occupied 'Free Houses', small to medium hotels and the like.
At NEC instigation; he spent a £ four figure sum having his commercial bank carry out all required investigations/checks, set up the on-line facilities/ credit ,debit card; and used a lot of business time effort and running about to comply ( as would any decent above board enterprise) with legal requirements. There were never any legal problems, as suggested.
Neither Groucho Marx, Shyster & Flywheel; or any "top West End lawyers" were required. NONE, EVER. This was an experienced; properly; legally run business VAT compliant offering the best possible return to UKIP of 5%(twice what Laithwaits could ever offer) of sales sent electronically to UKIP national account, monthly; with computer generated sales sheets too; showing all sales and distributions.
It was straightforward, again for the treasurer/auditor/Customs & Revenue, Elctoral Commissioners.Further, he offered at his own cost and time an E-mail forum/discussion/advice/help facility to assist choice and knowledge. He wished to make it fun; too.
However, of even greater significance, he offered access for ukip all over the country into the Wine trade/ associations for contacts, as the trade was so badly affected by cheap E.U. imports.UKIP had fertile ground here, I explained for membership growth. He shared our views and wished to assist. He was treated very badly. The Chancellor, Gordon Brown I recall reporting a £500 million loss in revenues to cheap E.U. imports at that time.
Having set up UKIP Wine World, Deputy leader Michael Nattrass MEP telephoned me and described his leaking of the documents to his 'mate' Tom Wise MEP. I, an elected volunteer to the NEC who thought of the fundraising idea, and with proper permission to set up this fundraiser was removed from all involvement ! We had the most terrible row about this.Further, an independant wine merchant with all proper documentation in place, Revenue & Customs approved and legal who would have assisted in our party growth; and with contacts was humiliated; and lost a lot of money.
I spoke with Wise about this and we had the most terrible row as he determindly destroyed my efforts; aided and abetted. He stated that he was going to The Lebanon; and his friends vineyard; and would be importing wine to sell to UKIP members.I have no knowledge of his status with Customs & Revenue regarding this.This and much more is held by Bedfordshire Police, (Without Prejudice) the C.P.S. and Southwark Crown Court.
The corrupt former police officer and UKIP M.E.P. Thomas Harold Wise, now I gather serving a jail sentence perhaps for frauds and moneylaundering; began offering wine evenings I am told.I have been told that sales were involved.
I have never been able to identify any monies being paid into UKIP coffers from those Wine sales, perhaps Mr. Denny can assist with this.. Further, I am unaware of any proper documentation/business research certification/bank paperwork raised to satisfy the numerous officials and authorities; as required in law carried out by Wise.
As Mr. Denny knows; in October 2005 I acheived an emergency item at the start of the NEC (chaired by Jeffrey Titford MEP) to debate the Tom Wise MEP situation as reported; and much discussed by members often from behind their hand. Matters would result in his being jailed.
Over 20 minutes I fought to do something. I was shouted at, abused and in threatening me; it appears that others were invoked to threaten and thus silence me in some way.
I was alone on the NEC that day. As I left Linda Guest approached me and we talked. Then Douglas Denny joined us and we three talked at some length.
Since then I have had a number of very nasty experiences, including slander to Northampton Borough Council who instigating a meeting with me; urged me on to take legal action(I chose to forgive) Criminal Damage to my property;(provably a UKIP person ) several threats to aparently beat me up, computer 'spamming', computer hacking and computer destruction. Smearing of every facet of my life too. (Richard Suckorzewski, Delroy Young, David Abbot and others have all experienced nasty occurances)
My 84 year old then recently widowed mother (different telephone district to me) ex-directory and never involved in politics was traced and two very nasty threatening calls were made to her from a man introducing himself as from UKIP. She took copius notes during the calls and they are woven into a police statement.
As incredibly stupid , even frightening things have happened, and special security measures have been taken at home and around my commercial premises; those who were perhaps urged to attack me and have done so have stupidly caused some four police forces; and five seperate departments and others too, to have to become involved. So; UKIP who I and my family gave so much to support is the gradual author of its own destruction in its fevered desire to persecute myself (and others) causing quite massive files to build against itself as certain people lash out. Why ? What is it all about ?
Unknown to me at the time, evidently the October 2005 NEC meeting was recorded by someone. The truth of everything that I have tried to do was actually recorded. I never, ever carried such devices; or indeed a mobile telephone to any UKIP meeting.
I was contacted by a police force, and department headed by a Detective Chief Superintendent Miss Debbie Simpson, ( now A.C.C. Devon & Cornwall )Detective Superintendent Nigel Tompkins, whose colleagues read to me a transcript of my last NEC. Incredible. To hear yourself speaking, and others too, the transcript of of threats made to me and admissions of quite a lot of wrongdoing when potential jailing by police and Inland Revenue action is described in some detail is illuminating. I simply wished for no part in activity thus, where such unecessary wrongdoing is carried out. By 2004 E.U. elections we volunteers had delivered at our cost so much that was in the process of being destroyed.
Perhaps Mr. Denny knows by who, and why the NEC was recorded ? Is his public airing of these matters now a significient moment, as he; like me a volunteer, seeks to run UKIP properly for the benefit of the very decent and generous volunteer membership and track all donations and income for audit purposes.Mr Denny does know why I resigned from the NEC, he has a copy of my letter,I sent to every member there present a copy.
Mr Denny, further knows why I resigned from the party. Lack of financial probity and Mr. Derek Clark MEP our former national party secretary had during one of his much critized junkets ( damming letter and memo much circulated by the office of a fellow MEP) signed up to accept 'Subsidiarity' , reforming the E.U. and the C.A.P. Terrible rows were provoked by him over this and loss of decent members.
Thus UKIP became EUKIP. I only ever wished to leave the E.U. the CAP, fisheries policy and return to sovereign government. I first shared Mr. Clark's company on 1/5/1994, attended his house perhaps 125 times to Northants meetings, very many Regional meetings in Loughborough; and other times. He and others moved the party away from our cause. Perhaps Mr. Denny is about to raise this very matter at the coming national conference and overturn Mr. Clark's efforts ?
Finally, I note that the Prize Lottery Draws previously registered mysteriously became de-registered. During H.Q. days in Birmingham (under a different secretary) we found that our monies went to 109 Bolsover Street , London. Questioning these matters, Nigel Farage MEP stated to me, in company that his wife Kirsten had worked there for an employer who was a UKIP member, before she became employed by her husband, perhaps via the E.U. that is.
Further other organisations appear registerd at this address. A statement on file indicates an average of £ 15,000 raised each time, yet at the height of our membership in 2004 a national UKIP bank paying-in book covering two draws and certainly £ 30,000; shows only £ 5,713 being paid in by perhaps K Busby, D.Matthews, S.White and D.Mel.
Roger Knapman MEP as leader raised these matters at an NEC meeting and privately during tea break. His questions were never properly answered. Nor mine either.
Mr. Denny clearly has his motives for opening up these matters again, perhaps he is acting on behalf of colleagues who find his approach the ideal one. (Without Prejudice.)
I will finish as I started with Aeschylus, who wrote:
" For somehow this is tyranny's disease, to trust no friends".
Yours sincerely,Ian Gillman.UKIP 05/94 - 05/09.
I had a copy of Ian Gillman's resignation letter at the time but should anyone who still has a copy (and a better filing system than I!) would care, in confidence to send me a copy I do believe to do Ian Gillman justice in this can of worms that is UKIP I would be only too happy to publish it - My thanks for this copy sent to me:
Though I found Ian to be irritatingly unreliable and prone to astonishing leaps of conclusion he fundamentally had his heart in the right place and I am pleased to see he has made some use of all those well researched quotes when he planned to write grand 'Opus' of Greece - which must still be poised among the cacti, cats and preened chaos awaiting final touches!
Gillman's letter led to others showing examples of Douglas Denny's fundamental dishonesty and the corruption of UKIP by people like him and the other members of the leadership.
Denny's response, being a vile little man and utterly self serving, was to seek to blame all others and micturate on everyone who knew too much about him as you can see:
This rather begs the question when Douglas Denny says:
I have never made any such claim that my utterings are any more authoritative than others - that is your assertion - not mine. I have always pointed out that anything said by me here is my own opinion only, with no authority to be ascribed to UKIP at all.One is clearly permitted to muse as to whether he lies in his every day life or does he lie on the internet, or does he lie at NEC meetings - I for one have found him to be a consistently dishonest little man in every aspect of his life. He has done huge harm to UKIP with his aggressive and dishonest stance and his obsessive fear and lies about Junius and myself all made in public and showing what odious and unpleasant people form the leadership of UKIP - another similar is Michael McGough!
Ian Gillman responded:
Dear Sirs,I leave you to draw your own conclusions!
My name has been placed into the public domain; once again by UKIP NEC member Douglas Denny. Evidently he has his own motives and agenda for bringing me into his debates.
I thank him for his earlier kind words praising me for my attitudes and efforts; a testomy that , should ever our persecutors take to the courts, I could invoke (within a police statement; and my own defence documents ) as proof of my own sincerity and philanthropy. Thus this long serving NEC member has provided me with certain authority from within the witness box.
In order to correct any misunderstandings and my own inadequate efforts at written explanation, I was never anti UKIP, never ever had an agenda other than to grow and run the party lawfully and with all fiscal probity ( which I am certain that all of my efforts of 15 years did) in order to facilitate my country via democratic means leaving the E.U. and all of its organs. ( unlike; that is those tricksters even amongst our own numbers who betrayed us hiding within UKIP (as though the Cambridge 'Apostles' grouping of yesteryear) pretending to want to leave the E.U. yet all of the time wishing to remain within; so called 'reformists', accepting 'subsidiarity' as a means of E.U. control of Britain, accepting the C.A.P. which I deplore as an instrument of the destruction of the finest agricultural system in the world (my family owned three seperate farms until recent years now all part of giant agri-businesses; a culture and lifestyle destroyed).
As an aside; British agricultural practice where transplanted throughout the world to our empire proved so very successful, just recall Rhodesia that became the bread basket of so much of Sub-Saraha Africa; until handed to and destroyed by a corrupt; financially dubious former Communist terrorist; and his gun-toting thugs.
Perhaps through working upon a part of human nature offering 'free' (nothing actually ever is) junckets and the like (classic Whips Office routine) there were evidently those even amongst us who were so easily tempted in so many ways. Perhaps they only wanted to destroy UKIP , the spirit and generousity of its volunteer membership too.
The first twenty minutes of the October 2005 NEC certainly changed forever my situation within UKIP.Not only did friends and supporters of the corrupt former police officer Tom Wise MEP turn nasty with me but they evidently fed back to region and branch level too the fact that I was to be persecuted; and even driven out, simply for attempting to run the party properly and within legal constraints.
It followed that evidently others within that NEC had gone to; or been approached by the police investigating frauds. My name was given to the police by those who had made their statements before me.
I never approached the police or any such organ of state .
I frankly had little option but to agree to give a statement to the police.
After all, I had nothing to hide !
Who of us would not wish to get UKIP back onto a proper legal track ? Delroy Young ( subjected to a death threat, police caseRichard Suchorski,(subjected to a mind boggling array of nastiness invoked within his resignation letter) David Abbot,Eric Edmund and others have all received very bad treatment.
So, the police explained the existance of a transcript of records of the NEC meeting. They read to me my words of that day; ( I heard my words spoken exactly as I had said them) and those of others , including abuse to me, about me, expletives, nastiness and admission of such wrongdoing that according to a manic screetch by a senior UKIP person he and certain MEP's and evidently staff would all be jailed by action from the Inland Revenue, and jailed by the police too.
I simply wished for no involvement in such disgraceful activity, it was pointless, destructive and counter productive to our stated party objective of leaving the E.U. This was not why I and my greater family gave so much.
I can (with permission which may take a day or two) place within the public domain proof of just a little of the persecution of me by a highly paid UKIP person, should you wish me to prove a little of what I have endured. Further I can reveal, should you wish for me to do so terrible action taken against another volunteer of good and long standing that has actually broken his health.Again, police involvement.
Further, I can (with permission) reveal an example of evident recording of a UKIP meeting.
None of this would have emerged had my name and details not been published by others. I can only wish Mr Denny and his colleagues good luck with any research into our three national call centres, 12/13 prize lottery draws, Tom Wise wine evenings/sales ? and the fiscal probity that we volunteers who gave so much of our own resource and time all desired.
Yours faithfully,
Ian Gillman
(Volunteer member 05/1994 - 05/2009)
I had a copy of Ian Gillman's resignation letter at the time but should anyone who still has a copy (and a better filing system than I!) would care, in confidence to send me a copy I do believe to do Ian Gillman justice in this can of worms that is UKIP I would be only too happy to publish it - though I found Ian to be irritatingly unreliable and prone to astonishing leaps of conclusion he fundamentally had his heart in the right place and I am pleased to see he has made some use of all those well researched quotes when he planned to write grand 'Opus' of Greece - which must still be poised among the cacti, cats and preened chaos awaiting final touches!
Then after various comments that were irrelevant and the odd constructive input of Geoffrey Colliers Ian Gillman responded with more details but no meaningfull evidence to support his earlier claims unfortunately - I have reduced in size the extraneous material that seems strangely out of place!
Dear Sirs,
Before he invaded Greece in 480BC, Xerxes 1 of Persia sent an emissary to Delphi; a village in mountainous central Greece where from within its shrines The Pythia would divine 'truths' about the future, morality issues, commerce , colonial projects and a whole lot more. I am able to confirm the sheer beauty and breathtaking aura of the place and its environs.It is an emotionally stunning place ( as for me; to give but a few quick examples, New Orleans, Venice, St. Petersberg,Jerusalem,Jerico,Pergamum,Ephusus, Leptus Magna etc. etc are)
The Pythia sent to Xerxes information about his intended attack and destruction of Greece, by Persia. If you attack Greece there will be a great victory she explained.
Yes indeed , there was a great victory.
By beating off the Persians particularly Salamis;Plataea and Mycale Greek resistance caused the barbarians to withdraw, Xerxes then being murdered in a court intrigue.
Lessons aplenty here then.
Tony Ellwood, (UKIP 1994-2009) the only ever volunteer treasurer for 6 Northants constituencies, and as a founder treasurer of East Mids. Committee throughout with never a question against his judgement or honesty was told by a member of E.Mids. staff employed by Mr. Clark MEP, that within days he would be arrested.
Ellwood, no longer tolerated or wanted had asked certain questions; and return of certain monies from those advancing themselves and was the Deputy Nominating Officer and had been our regional agent too. He only ever wanted to leave the E.U. the C.A.P. and reject G.M. foods.
Had Mr. Clark , even during one of his infamous junckets visited a sooth sayer or hag ?
Odd business you may question ?
Then within days Ellwood was arrested !
Around 8/9 police officers armed with a battering ram device aggressivly demanded entry to his home around 0800,
questioned him, seized much property, arrested him, tested him for drugs, spent a day aggressivly questioning him etc, etc and threw him out of a police station around 1800, no charges, no further action; oh - make arrangements sometime hence if you wish for your private property to be returned....... His home had been left in uproar and they inconvenienced him somewhat in his pursuit of his property. Some of it, clothing I think, was actually never returned.
Lies, smears and misinformation (with just a hint of reality to entice a blundering police force) had been sent to a charity 'Crimestoppers' accusing Ellwood of all maner of criminal activity.
Thus wasting police time, a criminal offence had been committed. 'Crimestoppers' had also been brought into disrepute.
Then Ellwood colapsed in the street.
A member of the public called for Paramedics, Oxygen and medical assistance was provided.
He finished by being prescribed strong and addictive tablets to correct Nervous Asthma, brought about by trauma from the arrest and UKIP trashing his entire life.
Tony Ellwood, 58; will probably never ever work again in a conventional sense.Frankly he is a wreck now. He left UKIP a party that he had such regard for; as, like me he founded/started/began things, for the earliest members a certain exhiliration did occur as we carved something out of nothing; and at our own cost.
Thankfully; Ellwood's eldest son is a long serving police officer elsewhere. He works within one of the most sensitive policing areas known..........
After my resignation from the NEC 10/05 all manner of nasty things happened to me, and still do.
My accountant had been contacted by the Inland Revenue who needed to interview me.
What was to prove to be lies, smears and innuendo had been passed to a city I.R. office, a significient office in fact; alledging that I was moneylaundering (funny how that word keeps reoccurring ) had taken capitol out of the country and was living off undeclared income from property abroad.
During an interview with a very senior investigator, immaculate in diction and person; I quickly provided all paperwork (before even being asked ! ) and proof; to counter the lies and smears. What I provided matched that already held from my accountant by the officer, ........ (unknown to me at that precise moment, but later explained to me. Wow !) .......... the officer. . who was bemused by the episode, as I provided details of my solicitor for further verication.
The lady actually apologised to me for the trauma, we then enjoyed a few laughing moments and she stated that 'within 15 minutes of return to my office I can put this one to bed Mr. Gillman ...............' Wasting Inland Revenue time and resource had occurred.
Interesting similarities can be spotted when UKIP goes 'asmearing' and trashing of its volunteer membership........
The opening scene of William Shakespear's Macbeth,Thane of Cawdor and Glamis, the story of a King of Scotland from 1040-1057 whose wife was evidently tortured and tormented and this reflected upon him, has three hags or witches, Graymalkin being one, tittering about their next meeting. "When the hurlyburly's done, when the battle's lost and won...... then " Fair is foul and foul is fair: Hover through the fog and filthy air..."
Lots of my own money (and a large sum (for him) from my late elderly father) went into UKIP.
Until we have proper forensic audits and explanations of the original bankings of our donations/givings/payments there will never be peace.
We urgently need public release and explanation of our monies sent to Call Centres in Ashford, Preston and Ramsgate, 12/13 Prize Lottery Draws from around 2002-2008, especially every one during the Birmingham H.Q. days and use of a private address in London.
Companies involved in receipt of UKIP monies or passing on monies raised. Answers too about facets of national and regional accounts.
Surely UKIP owes this to its founding members who frankly gave so much, and the greater British Eurosceptic movement as well , to clense the Augian Stables;
This should not actually be a Herculean task; as my NEC resignation letter requested I recall.
Augeas, King of Elis we recall however went back on his word; concerning a one tenth reward to Hercules though, when the filth of years had been clensed. UKIP must give and keep its word or the British Eurosceptic movement may falter.
Sadly however, the above is not mythical, as with Hercules and his tasks; but events are passing into legend, as with Macbeth and Xerxes. The 'Hurlyburly' is not yet done.
Without Prejudice.
Yours faithfully,
Ian Gillman.
Volunteer 05/94-05/09.
I will I am sure not be the only one who now awaits
- a copy of the resignation letter from the NEC
- Some evidence to clad the bones
- A transcript of that last NEC attended
THEN perhaps we can make some progress!
It does seem that without this numerous £Millions that seem to have gone missing will never be retrieved - it is all very well for the real politicians to rant about benefits fraud and even about the paultry amounts each they get away with but what of these EU posers? On the last petition alone, held by Farage's Party, because at the end of the day it is not a political party it is merely Farage's cash cow it seems - on that petition £250,000 of tax payers money was used as seed money to set it up yet with Farage, David Lott and Mark Croucher seemingly the ones involved not only was the petition never held but no accounting of the costs was ever provided - did they just pocket the money?
So how about Ian Gillman comes up with some interesting evidence to back the interesting stories!
Dear Sirs,
Echo; a Nymph of Mount Helicon was unable to say anything of her own volition. She could only repeat the words of others. Thus flitting around in an empty headed even banal way she was held captive by any stronger 'master' or 'controller'; with the right words and ideas upon any given matter.
Earlier this month a long term serving NEC member Mr. Douglas Denny posted certain material inaccoracies regarding me and my 15 year philanthropic involvement with UKIP from the days when literally nothing existed and we had to carve out something.
At the behest of several others perhaps from four regions I reluctantly used this medium for the first time to clarify matters and state the acuual truth. Please now refer back to page four of this thread and read my few reluctant postings.
Naturally I have experienced that often underrated and very deep human emotion called disappointment. I had anticipated a correction regarding (for instance) matters pertaining to UKIP Wine World, given that Mr. Denny was present throughout this episode; and during the NEC of October 2005 when I was 'attacked' over the Tom Wise MEP business and the potential jailing by the Inland Revenue and the police over certain matters was shouted at me and a demand that I be silenced too; rang around the room. As many already know I have during nearly five years experienced some very nasty things; as evidently there are those who fear perhaps for their own freedom and want silence.
Hard Labour as a corrective concept was abolished long ago; so why do they worry so much ?
Further; if solace has to be taken in Australia for a while it must be noted that these days there is some very good Cricket to be shared down under.
I could not even find a 'seconder' that day to my proposal repeated and repeated he may choose to recall, that would have actually assisted with cleaning up certain matters and have prevented so much heartache and loss of members too.
As an aside; readers should note that Mr. Wise did use the facilities of a national Sunday newspaper to 'advertise' his ownership of 1,000 bottles of wine ( whether bought for price or quality was not made clear ) a commercial quantity in any language,able to stock two shop units surely.
Mr. Denny , it has been explained to me shares a number of connections with another prolific contributor to these colums. They include early UKIP membership, volunteer status,shared branch, shared region, geographical proximity and perhaps a desire to uncover certain matters. Do they quietly work in unison it has been asked.
It has further been suggested that should Mr. Denny succeed where others have failed (as he keeps the pot boiling; even at unsocial hours; bringing in ever more contributors who refer back to paperwork) recognition may be showered upon him, even rained down upon him. The slaps upon his back heard beyond the venue where they occur . Perhaps the cry to be heard would be 'Bravo' ?
A legal aspect known as 'jointly and severally liable' may just be at the back of Mr. Denny's mind as he considers his own estate. Certainly a duty of care to members and a (albeit subjective concept ) moral dimension does impact too.
Thus; as the new NEC is announced on Thursday Mr. Denny may feel sufficiently emboldened to continue a forensic even incisive pursuance of the volunteers money; accounted for or not, given in goodwill; that has mystery attached to it.
Or, does Mr. Douglas Denny merely have the status of Echo ?
Yours faithfully,
Ian Gillman.
Volunteer 05/94-05/09. Doner too.
Another letter from Ian Gillman mailed on the 31-Aug-2010
for publication in the public domain domain has been sent to me
Dear Mr. Denny,
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing" wrote Edmund Burke (1729-97)
Earlier this month you chose to discuss upon this public forum my own philanthrophic efforts over 15 years for UKIP and the whereabouts of monies raised by the sales of wine by Mr. Tom Wise MEP formed part of that discussion. At the behest of others I overcame a reluctance to use this facility due to inaccoracies published thus I eventually had to put the record straight.
During your writing I recal lthat you encountered a certain memory loss which I hope that a few nights rest have cured.
As you are about to attend a recently intellectually invigorated NEC; and the National Conference too; it is to be hoped that you pursue the matters that your provocations caused to again be brought to the fore. Namely, the whereabouts of monies raised from the sale of wines by Mr. Wise at UKIP meetings,(clarify the Customs & Excise aspect; please) full accounts and details of first bankings in all cases are essential , including for national call centres in Ashford, Ramsgate and perhaps even Preston. After clarifying first bankings, then move to any transferance of our money until you locate it. Were any private or otherwise; companies involved in the movement of our money ?
If 12/13 National Prize Draws (lotteries laws) were mysteriously de-registered following the move from London H.Q. to Birmingham and as a statement upon file indicates an average of £ 15,000 raised each time then around £ 200,000 needs identifying (remember Roger Knapman's concerns regarding this money raising venture.) The mystery of a private address printed upon tickets for receipt of monies and no licence certificate number upon ticket or counterfoil impacts upon your enquiry. Mrs. Kirsten Farage may assist you as she was employed at this address by a UKIP member.
Taking but one set of regional accounts from the entire country; and in but one year alone, the South-East accounts for 2004-2005 appear to have £ 211,000 'disappeared' as "other costs". What are those 'costs' and where did that money go to ?
Now remember, this is one set of regional accounts for but one year !
I often recall the early UKIP conferences and meetings with such gladness. A fantastic rapport with colleagues; who, with open faces,kind polite people, giving people, an expectation of decency with sence of duty too, full of zest; they/we were spirited in our shared venture to remove Great Britain from the E.U. Not reform it in any way either.
If you wish to destroy a human being Mr. Denny, one easy way is to destroy their spirit. This may superficially appear a subjective concept. However as the Soviets ( and their client states) showed us destroying spirit; actually breaking it, then hearts minds and physical bodies follow too.
I was dispirited following the 10/05 NEC as you (in your refreshed condition) will recall, and resigned. Why was such illegality explained ever necessary ? (Without Prejudice)
I was dispirited when in 03/08 at an East Mids Regional meeting I showed bank statements, a bank book and draw tickets and asked about the whereabouts of our money only to be physically threatened "I will do him" ,"I will take him outside and sort him out man to man" ( several times) and invoking a desire to break the sixth Commandment "I will swing for him" were screamed at me with fists waved and fingers jabbed.
Are you a good man Mr. Denny ? or have you in any way allowed evil to triumph ?
As you assemble in Torquay Mr. Denny; many are saying what I dare pass onto you, never forget your Burke.
Yours sincerely,
Ian Gillman.
UKIP 05/94-05/09; I tried to do my duty.
more lies and defamatory accusations from UKIP Gutter:
To Quote Douglas Denny in another string of lies once again proven:
Douglas Denny is very clearly a liar let us take just a small detail -Dear Mr. Gilman.you say:-No rant about Greco/Roman fable and fantasy stories this time? You might as well have done as this particular rant is of equal worth = all nonsense and fantasy.Niall Warry resigned from UKIP when at long last there was a disciplinary committee against him, all lined up and ready to go - and he knew the jig was up, so fell onto his sword instead and resigned before he faced the humiliation of being thrown out.Delroy Young if I remember rightly let his membership lapse from UKIP, hence made a conscious decision entirely of his own volition not to continue with UKIP. If he had wanted there was nothing stopping him remaining in the party. He did not because he himself did not want to.And now youMr. Gilman who's idiotic rants I have observed here for a while now and note they become more and more fantastical and vitriolic. You were invited by me to produce evidence of the more lurid statements you have made in the past here , but would not - much more likely - could not.You now say:-and:Well this is absolute nonsense!Unfortunately for you, I have the proof, as I keep all documentation I have ever received whilst in UKIP - including your resignation letter (reproduced here for all to see.) .... and ... Yup! sure enough! looks like a resignation letter to me!Attachment 2105It is crystal clear you did not like the cut and thrust of politics within a political party, and why therefore you allowed your poor, sensitive, fragile ego to be so abused voluntarily without your leaving earlier I do not know.Your first sentence is a resignation statment. No doubt about it you resigned! you were NOT pushed in any way, and were certainly NOT "expelled".The rest of your resignation letter is a rant of the like we have seen here too often.You say you wish to go away and:- and...Nice of you to wish us all Good Luck! and assure us that your continued support at local level will be assured.So the cheerful chappie who goes off rejoicing to leaving the 'nasty NEC people' to get on with their job somehow turns into a bitter and twisted individual who wants to rubbish UKIP at every opportunity.Same as Warry.Same as GLW.Same as a dozen others here. You are all the same.Like those others mentioned: You are full of cr@p Mr. Gillman - so go away and do not darken my doorstep again, thank you.DED.
consider his defamation of Niall Warry -
Do note that by dishonesty and duplicity of such a standard UKIP refused Niall Warry renewal of his membership - largely due to the simpering and lies of Douglas Denny who had done all in his power to cover-up the criminality of Tom Wise for which UKIP MEP Tom Wise was sentenced to 2 years in prison.
The corrupt manner in which Douglas Denny and others acted found them potentially the wrong side of a High Court action potentially facing someone who could afford to and would defend his reputation against liars and proven corrupt little men like Douglas Denny.
Niall Warry was restored to the membership, where he remained seeking to Clean-Up UKIP and particularly its leadership who are not only incompetent but dishonest, muddled and crass - Niall Warry remained a member but found, as did Stuart Wheeler, that under the leadership of Nigel Farage it clearly was untrustworthy, corrupt, incompetent and unelectable.
Like Stuart Wheeler, Niall Warry resigned his membership and stood in Somerton and Frome as an Independent Leave-The-EU Alliance candidate. Wheeler stood in a South Coast constituency. There was absolutely no public evidence of any kind of disciplinary committee being called - perhaps had there been numerous of the NEC and leadership of UKIP could have been brought before it, not least of whom would be Douglas Denny for so often dragging UKIP into the gutter of lies and fantasies he inhabits!
You will recall Douglas Denny was removed as UKIP returning officer by a majority vote of his NEC colleagues, for his dishonesty and corruption.
Absolutely no one has EVER put their name to a defence of this dishonest little worm of a man, with his endless lies and serial fantasies.
You will note he yet again seeks to defame me - It seems one is denied both free speech and the right to expose the truth in the crazy world of NEC & UKIP Leadership!
You will note despite the serial lies and endless dishonesties of Douglas Denny he has failed to substantiate a single solitary one of his lies and fantasies about me - Douglas Denny conveniently forgets that I am not nor have I ever been a member of UKIP and further he will find no instance EVER where I can be shown to be opposed to membership of The EU and vociferously and energetically at my own expense nor an instance where I have NOT sought to uphold the integrity of UKIP seeking to try to 'clean it up' to make it electable - something UKIP has proved in literally 1,000s of seats and elections that it is not.
Douglas Denny YOU are a liar, a fantasist, a cheat and a low life whose corruption and dishonesty and utter stupidity has brought nothing but shame on both UKIP and the EUroSceptic movement.
You will recall that at the selection of PPCs at Douglas Denny's own constituency he not only failed but obtained only 3 votes of suppot - his own, his poor wife's and one other whilst a relative unknown was selected as Douglas Denny is known to be dishonest.
Yes Douglas Denny is a liar and a cheat but that puts him in good company on UKIP NEC, just look at the pond life gathered there numerous of whom have been proven to be liars and cheats and to have colluded in corruption.
Ian Gilman responded to Douglas Denny, yet again proving Douglas Denny to be a liar, today 07-Feb-2011:
Forum readers will recall that until Mr Denny posted gross untruths invoking my name last August; I had taken no interest in this medium previously.Perhaps Mr Farage, who for the second time of obtaining the UKIP leadership threatens to again "professionalise the party" will be delighted that fiscal matters with mystery attached to them are brought to the fore.His gratitude to Mr Denny may even be actioned by some form of recognition.Do not be modest about your contributions Mr Denny, you single handed brought me into the debate and raised all manner of subjects, before and after closing time.Mr Denny reproduces my NEC resignation letter, despite evident different claims ... etc....."Bloom slams shoplifters"thread August 10.To again correct his distortions; invoking me (he will recall) at the NEC of 10/05 , alone, I attempted to DO something about the Tom Wise MEP issue. This fact is contained with the Wise Crown Court case file.In addition to defrauding the E.U./taxpayer and evidently living rather high off the hog as a result , he had destroyed a legitimate UKIP fundraising campaign, UKIP Wine World (to perhaps enrich himself,and even without troubling H.M. Customs & Excise ?) designed by me to assist paying off our General Election debts of £ 93,000 that were evidently paid in our names yet I have never seen any evidence of paperwork showing from where the money came. I am not used to debts being setteled with my name attached without the route of that money being entirely clear to me.To correct a very busy and oft confused Mr Denny,( who does know the truth when he wishes to ) I resigned from the NEC over issues including Mr Wise and the demand that admitted frauds thwhich may cause the Inland Revenue and the Police to "lock us all up" were explained by a senior member (albeit with less time as a member than me)I was, as Mr Denny may recall , (even by February 30th ! ) I was not prepared to collude in the frauds of others, as explained. The pointless frauds explained have, as I predicted destroyed the heart and spirit of UKIP that I can legitimately claim to have assisted building. The sheer graft of creating something from nothing attracted the attention of some who were only climbing upon the bandwagon sadly.I then resigned from the party; in 2009, we had been betrayed by self seekers, and the party had been converted from UKIP to EUKIP.I refuse to support 'Subsidiarity' or the Common Agriculture Policy, or G,M. Crops. Policies were changed without asking the membership.Now to the lies, smears and form of 'blackmail' used in an attempt to remove me from the 04-09 E.Mids MEP listing.Originally voted second on the list, we all moved down one place to accomodate Mr Kilroy-Silk.Following my NEC resignation a concerted attempt was made to remove me from that list.It was illegal, and based upon character assination.The E.Mids Euro election officers via a UKIP Nominating Officer ( correct procedure note) requested a meeting with me at Northampton Borough Council offices.Such bodies and public servants do not instigate meetings containing very sensitive matters without just cause. Further, upon assessing my character and personality over time / questioning they felt able to release to me certain physical items for my use.Note; Mr Denny, a department of civil administration and local government requested a formal meeting with me to explain just what illegality was going on to remove me from my legally approved placement just because I resigned from the NEC , refusing to collude in frauds.This meeting proved that The Home Office and East Mids Returning Officer/Northampton Borough Council, Electoral Services Department were being brought into disrepute by a UKIP person using a mobile telephone spreading smears and lies , then using a form of 'blackmail' to public servants in a demand to be allowed to break the law. That person failed.I was given all assistance to produce a case in law to sue for what could have been quite massive compensation against the mobile telephone owner/user (identified) and UKIP.Mr Denny, this is not a weakness, but I chose to forgive the person.So, Mr Denny, attempts are made and have been; to arbitarily remove the honest and therefore unwanted.I resigned the NEC, I resigned the party after 15 years, but I endured an attempt to destroy my reputation, my business reputation and my standing within UKIP which is even now repeated by those who are very nervous about their own situation.In the immortal words of the late Terry Thomas; " What an absolute shower... ".
25-Apr-2012: It would seem Ian Gilman has had further thoughts regarding finances within UKIP's clearly corrupt leadership structure - seemingly brought on by the April 30th. Regional Committee Meeting where Derek Clark - who has been legitimately de-selected as a member is expected to try to seize the chairmanship to continue tyo orchestrate the cover-up and dishopnesty - the lies and the fiddling he has clearly been proven to have been embroiled in seemingly aided and abetted by Nigel Farage and UKIP Official Policy to lie to members, the electorate, the Regional Committees and the media - presumably for personal gain and to work towards continued enrichment on the EU Gravy Train!
Ian Gillman's re-assembly of established facts that have been widely published yet never satisfactorily explained is worth reading to remind oneself of just what huge sums have gone missing, unaccounted to those it was seemingly stolen from:
Today, 03:22 PM


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It is being circulated by phone and e-mail that an East Mids. Regional Committee will convene Monday evening next. I will trust the messengers with this fact as provided. The former chairman as explained above will become the current chairman. Slightly in the vein of Groucho Marx one may concede.
The E.U. fraud investigators of O.L.A.F. efforts by way of protection of our paid taxes and their use or missuse may well impact upon deliberations.
Versions of explanations will be offered no doubt with endorcements from higher authorty.
Given that it is written by many that false accounting/moneylaundering (theft and fraud) has taken place in one context (Europe) will deliberations carry over to areas of financial mystery here in Britain ? Our generous donations in many spheres must be reconsidered. Further trends in actions are often worth considering.
13 national prize draws under the lotteries act unregistered anywhere. Money sent to a unrelated private business address where Mrs Kirston Farage had worked.
Three national call centres particularly Ashford where the bank statements were sent to a private home (bungalow) as the call centre appeared to co-exist with a private company. Ramsgate call centre was rather abruptly closed down we recall.
UKIP Wine World and its destruction by the jailed former police officer and UKIP MEP Tom Wise. He was ably assisted by a Midlands estate agent recently in the news, whose copmpany baring his name appears to have been liquidated.An interesting report that makes one wonder if euphamisms were in use by the author.
£ 211,000 disappeared from one set of S.E. accounts as "other costs" 55% of gross turnover that year.
The Bath council flat used for receiving money, the £ 250,000 claimed for street collections of names/addresses, the £ 11,000 destined for The Metric Maryters of Sunderland that has mystery attached to its whereabouts, and so on.
Whilst external forensic audit is the goal for many one can only wonder if the four arrests in Birmingham and police bail said to extend now from February until October thus allowing for a protracted investigation will have any effect upon the meeting. Evidently it has expanded beyond an almost trivial case if the number of officers now employed on the case is to be beleived.
Further the existance in Birmingham of the British police central specialist accountancy/fraud/moneylaundering/audit squad who are said to always gain a prosecution should a case file arrive within their department. Reputations they consider are to be maintained thus breeding a little fear.
Mr Clark was our national party secretary in Birmingham during a period of particular generousity by the volunteer membership and with his administrative assistant saw the membership grow and monies aplenty roll in.
We all understood that NEC membership and perhaps even regional committee membership may entail a certain 'jointly and severally liable' status of obligation to the membership.
Thus officers had serious responsibilities to the membership with sanctions including civil litigation or the dredded class action litigation should a largly pensioner based membership be defrauded.Audit could prove that this is not in fact the case.
So perhaps Mr Clark chairing this committee may approach matters as though the ongoing Leverson enquiry does where startling revelation may cause more than the current four arrests, ( Leverson/Wheeting/Tuleta has seen 43 arrests currently).
Then surely the East. Mids Regional Organiser will have protected the members with any knowledge that he gained about wrongdoing and areas of financial mystery, as he soberly sought the grow the membership, and branches and encourage donations. Indeed with the R.O. in attendance and his lady wife too as secretary to keep proper records, keeping it within the family so to speak, he can advise of any time, date and location when he was briefed about fiscal malpractice and just exactly what he did to protect the membership.
One can only wish well on those playing the parts of Leverson/Wheeting/Tuleta as they pursue the truth ( and our money).
Yesterday, 07:26 PM


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Concerning Monday's meeting Mr Clark needs to be rather cautious regarding certain characters who may attend. Mr Clark, like me a founder member of a branch and then a regional committee who like myself and others only ever gave of our time, money and such resources that we had certainly from 1994 until 2004, to grow our part of the overall Eurosceptic movement.
E-mails that have been read over the telephone ( but circulated around the country to others) cause one to be alarmed by the scale of undermining being planned from within the East Mids..
Mr Clark may conclude that this matter is a pain.
Especially when other regional MEP's are involved by those who have treachery in mind.
The knowledge about areas of financial concern was held by the correct officer , considerable knowledge in fact that was then turned against those who presented it and a process of backstabbing and isolation began. Sadly there were insufficient persons with the right moral fibre to stand up against shouting, swareing, abuse, threats of beatings up, and an evident death threat. Perhaps witness intimidation and an attempt to pervert the course of justice could be proven.
One advantage that we do have today is the police national computer that logs all information from Truro to Aberdeen daily and when events occur, new matters with certain similarities link in thus showing a patten.
So it is with certain UKIP matters where the witness intimidation and perhaps an attempt to pervert the course of justice is logged and following the four arrests will show up from the aforementioned computer.
It has been a slow process but I was never one to be held to ransom.
Today, 01:00 PM


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On Monday evening it is said that an East Midlands meeting will convene perhaps at the Ukranian Club in Newark. Fraud being the dominating factor to influence the agenda.
The reportedly denied frauds and paperwork alledgedly described as" fakes" concern external matters albeit our paid taxes via the E.U. Lies may affect the evening.
Internally their are many areas concerning money that has mystery attached to it.Often referred to as donations; or money given in trust using different mediums.
As the Rt.Hon. Tony Blair M.P. resigned his premiership and his membership of the Commons a bye-election was held in Trimden, Northumberland.
At an EMCC meeting ( see minutes) I volunteered to attend the constituency along with E.Mids R.O. Mr Don Ransome to leaflet for our candidate and assist in any way requested.
Returning late, we stopped to buy one another a drink then a meal.
I took the opportunity of our long association and the chance to have a discreet conversation with the members link to the MEP/NEC/party leadership.
Mr Ransome was clearly placed in a position of being given good factual information that he could use to best purpose; protecting the volunteer memberships money/donations and proper accountability of that money. As a former NEC member and long term member I perhaps was able to provide him with that little extra by way of assistance for his future enquiries and hoped for his return to me with a satisfactory conclusion.
I raised the members/branches concerns about lotteries with no licence anywhere in Britain and money being sent to a private business address.
I raised the issue and disquiet surrounding one National Call Centre , Ashford; that perhaps generated the largest amount of the three such enterprises. The mystery of once again a private address being used in its connection. Why not UKIP H.Q ?
I raised my efforts to create with unanimous NEC approval UKIP Wine World,(to assist paying our £93,000 debt from the 2005 General Election) and destroyed by a leak from the NEC by Deputy Leader, Michael Nattrass MEP to his (jailed) friend former police officer Tom Wise MEP, both characters explaining this to me .Wise would subsequently explain to the News of the World paper his storage/ownership of a commercial quantity of wine, namely, 1,000 bottles amongst his other revelations to the popular media.
I raised the threats made against me at my last NEC meeting. How it seemed that threats were being carried on. It greatly saddened me. Given that at that meeting frauds were explained that were described as likely to cause the Inland Revenue and the police to lock up the UKIP MEP's and certain staff. Well two of the UKIP elected MEP's from 2004 have already been jailed.Others have fallen into the clutches of the fraud investigators, entirely their own fault it must be stressed.
Mr Ransome explained that Tom Wise was innocent of accusations levied. He explained that Wise was to be protected and that his lady wife; Sue, who had lived with her three daughters in the Leighton Buzzard area had been friendly with Wise as I think co-members of the Liberal Democrats there. (I reproduce this in good faith without reference to the files).
No person it emerged was to turn against Wise as it might unlock other matters.
At my last ever EMCC meeting Donald Ransome and indeed his lady wife too; spent one hour and twenty minutes shouting, swareing, threatening abusing me. Sue threatened to sue me, I was stabbed at, a pen thrown at my eyes as I held up national draw tickets unregistered anywhere under the Lotteries Act and the mystery of our lack of banked money even raised at an NEC by Roger Knapman MEP, then leader. Nigel Farage MEP explained that his current wife, Kirston had worked at the private address used.Thank you for assisting ;Nigel.
I held up Ashford Call Centre bank statements and questioned the movement of monies quoting specific sums £.
I again asked about the useage of a private address when UKIP H.Q. should have been used, and a Lloyds TSB account when we banked with RBS.The location of the bank used was of interest.
Our long time EMCC properly elected treasurer who had given so much voluntary time over the years, and a genuine lady then approaching eighty years of age tried to assist me. Otherwise a colapse of moral fibre (L.M.F.) occurred. I failed to gain assistance over the shouting and nastiness generated by Mr and Mrs Ransome.One newer character stated"it does not matter that our MEP's are corrupt, all MEP's are corrupt........................" I questioned that.
I was unconstitutionally removed from the committee and left the room. We gained no explanation about our money whatsoever, only a driven force silencing any question. I never used a wrong word or raised my voice.
I had long senced my isolation, being whispered about/gossip created, a complete change in my position . Yet I had never had a cross word with anyone. I am mild mannered and do not rave, shout and sware as do others.On NEC and EMCC I was there to protect the members interests.
Subsequently; my computer was 'spammed' costing me money to have it cleaned losing me time and money too.
My computer was hacked into stealing my Bedfordshire Police statement in R v Thomas Harold Wise.along with being emptied. Two other witnesses had the same experience and also lost much work. Thus the Crown case against Wise was compromised. As that happened leaving me with nothing it was replaced with cycles of 'spam' e-mails of 3,500 a time which upon deleting would be replaced with another 3,500 until after many hours the computer shut itself down (crashed) forever.Its mechanisms had been catastropically damaged.
Engineers wanted £ 1,500 to attempt retreival of something but with no guarantee.I could not afford that gambol. I bought another system.
I lost the entire contents including a lengthy correspondence with my widowed mothers insurance company and many work and family items.
As the several warning systems were alerted a 'Dalek' type voice intoned about attack the screen showed up two e-mail addresses that appeared to be the sender of the destructive devices.
I photographed the screen three times and the photographs are held by police forces, and filed upon the police national computer and accessible through the NPIA who check names/events/similarities in crimes and forward onto the relevant police force.Thus with a police force currently investigating following four arrests my photographs may 'come to light' as the police national computer churns out intellegence potentially linked to any enquiry.
The two e-mail address that show up in the photographs are:
emidsro@ukip.org and ukip@dransome.plus.com
At my last EMCC Donald Ransome made three clear threats to take me outside and beat me up.
At my last EMCC Donald Ransome made an evident threat of his prepardness to kill me.
My then elderly recently widowed mother was traced (different telephone code to me/ex-directory,)and two frightening calls made by a man introducing himself as from UKIP.We refused to be intimidated.
The News of the World were given my details and a reporter contacted me wanting to talk about the Tom Wise Crown case. I refused as a Crown witness and very carefully ensured that I did not compromise the case. However we never did get our UKIP Wine World monies returned or proper audit of the activity, or detail of HMRC VAT registration/bonded warehouse/import detail including from Wise's friends vineyard in The Lebanon.
I note that as the fraud investigators of OLAF traversed the country a drink driving offence occurred. Was this panic in any way ?
So, on Monday will the E.Mids Regional Organiser, Mr Donald Ransome who thought that he could bully me, threaten me in front of numerous witnesses speak; not about external frauds/false accounting/moneylaundering as written by others,( that is perhaps for his generous employer) but will he explain his actions following gaining much knowledge about potential UKIP internal frauds or at least money with mystery surrounding it, that require independent forensic audit ? He is after all the protector of the members interests; surely ?
We have four recent arrests in Birmingham in the news with a large number of officers on the case and bail extended until October.
That dredded knock on the door sometime after the noise of the milkman yet before the postman; is haunting and there are those who live their lives awaiting just that.
However, the way to stop it; is to summon conscience and stand up for those who gave of so much and perhaps turn Queens evidence. First in is usually in the strongest bargaining position. Or will L.M.F. dominate proceedings ?
10-06-2012, 11:31 AM


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Michael McGough Esquire,
Evidently from your highly moral writings you would never, ever; become "dependant on the puppet masters cheque" to quote your own fine words.
Excellant, we have finally (after much searching) found the man we sought for so long, one with moral fibre who will stand with us against potential fraud and theft and actually DO something for the members and former members ( most of whom are/were of pensionoble age remember) who gave of so much.
I tried my best at NEC level and Regional Committee level and with members who I thought might support me; but to no avail. Now we have you.
Now sir,
I gather that along with your colleague Mr Andrew Smith ( he of the Electoral Commissioners case and certain er E-mails.....ahem.....) you may have signed cheques for the party and therefore have intimate knowledge regarding many matters that may have mystery attached to them. May I say without prejudice to your efforts.
Therefore would you with all of your professional acumen and guarantees from regulatory bodies regarding your competence please supply seperate audited accounts for the following please.
Ashford Call Centre / with contract between A.C.C. and Ashford Employment Ltd.Explanation regarding the bank statements being sent not to UKIP H.Q. RBS account but to a private home. A bungalow away from the call centre bank regulatory area, thus disguising certain matters.
Preston Call Centre
Ramsgate Call Centre
UKIP Wine World / VAT HMRC documents/ bonded warehouse details.
12 / 13 National Prize Draws under The Lotteries Act. Explanation regarding the tickets/monies being sent to a private business address not to Birmingham H.Q. but in London ! Mrs Kirsten Farage may assist you here.
Money raising via a Bath Council flat.
£ 211,000 i.e. 55% of gross income S.E. accounts 04/05 disappearing as " other costs" and the fascinating words of Michael Propart accompaning the figures.
£ 250,000 going somewhere claiming to be for a referendum /street collection of names. We only had a grotty A4 piece of paper, a photocopy as our 'share' . Odd, your fine mind may conclude.
£ 11,000 needing identifying as sent to" The metric Martyers" of Sunderland.
2005 National Conference , we had to pay twice for the entry/conference booklet. The second time only in cash and no change was given, we were told no change available when proffering £ 20 notes or similar.
"Trickledown" the concept whereby the first years membership of new members went to their branch. ? Yes Michael ? What happened to mine over the years ?
You have already been asked for details of contracts between Soverign Draw Ltd. / a commercial address in Barrow-in-Furness/UKIP H.Q. RBS account/several directors from Scarborough to Devon . Please supply with interim accounts copies of all contracts linking UKIP/Sovereign Draw Ltd. and any other company used to transfer monies around.
Accounts for any offshore account used to receive/transfer UKIP monies.
Accounts for any Isle of Man company or trust used to receive UKIP monies.
I will pause for now , but upon receipt of the above we will no doubt have questions and perhaps a few more requests to make of you.
Thank you for your kind attention, and always remember the words of The Father of Tragedy, Aeschylus; 525-456 B.C. " For somehow this is tyranny's disease, to trust no friends".
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