#Doc058* - Skeptyk, Filth, The Forum, contempt, cowardice. - UKIP, Farage & Anna Lindh!
Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable!
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership,
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!
Skeptyk, Filth, Butcher, The Forum, Douglas Denny, Stuart Parr, Mike McGough, Mark Croucher - contempt, cowardice.
- UKIP, Farage & Anna Lindh!!
From: Greg Lance-Watkins
eMail: Greg_L-W (Greg_L-W@BTconnect.com)
Tel: UK: 01291 – 62 65 62
Is it any wonder that the cowards and pond life on Anthony Butcher’s squalid little Forum tend to hide behind false names or silly constructs to
dissemble and lie!
Well now we KNOW that
ex-member in Nigel Farage!
Thanks for the phone call to tell me the slime were making fools of themselves inventing fantasies about me, and spreading lies as ever – no wonder filth like
Skeptyk, Baron, Independent UKIP and now quite clearly Farage masquerading as
ex-member, because I KNOW
ex-member isn’t me and so the only person who could KNOW Farage leaked FACTS to me was Farage is in fact FARAGE – quite clever really because my sources managed to hide that fact from me and even I didn’t KNOW!
Is it any wonder these low lifes and their mates are too ashamed to use their own names, understandably the likes of
McGough and those actually using their own names to lie, slander, libel and defame with their fantasies and deliberate dishonesty clearly have no reputation worth supporting or defending and are happy to be shown as dishonest and dishonourable.
Today 03:45 PM #49
Join Date
Mar 2007
It is a fact that the person who used to leak UKIP internal decisions to Greg Lance-Watkins was a MR.Nigel Farage. That was of course when he and Greg were bosom friends.
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A measure of the general dishonesty of those writing as Skeptyk too ashamed to put their name to the pack of lies they so often publish is that yet again they
dishonestly misrepresent the tragic death of the Swedish Minister Anna Lindh, and my comments on the subject at the time when clearly they will have read the facts they dishonestly choose to be selective to try to present a completely false picture.
Be assured that, as has been shown repeatedly, neither the award winning leading investigative journalist Daniel Foggo on the front page of The Sunday Telegraph, nor I, did anything but tell the truth based upon the facts available to us.
That this nasty little worm
skeptyk yet again chooses to lie is no surprise. They have NEVER been able to show a single instance where I misrepresented a single FACT in a dishonest way and unable to refute the truth they resort to the cowards solution of sheltering behind anonymity and attacking the messenger - just how low will they sink in their gutter!
UKIP leadership may well be weak, useless, incompetent drunkards of no morality or gravitas but in fact it is the filth they have gathered around them forming the dung heap from the top of which they crow that do the most damage and provide the most ammunition for The
EU. Filth like those I have named – none of whom does one ever see letters, eMails, articles, blogs or even entries on reputable Forums addressing the EU – they are all but invisible in the battle against membership of The EU, as are the mouthy dishonest liars like Stuart Parr and wee Farage’s children’s club of childish fans, ranging in age from 15-75!
Is there anyone left in UKIP who is not so tainted by association with these filth and with membership of The EFD and the endless scrabbling for personal gain – whether as a liar like Bannerman or Andreasen, a thief and a fraud like Agnew or Bannerman, a spineless self server like Coleman or Buffton, a fool like Bloom or Legge, a self serving venal twerp like Nuttal or Clark,l or an insecure strutting barrow boy like Farage capitalising as a schpieler.
At least Nattrass & Sinclaire had the morality to disassociate themselves from the filth in the dung heap and the vile chums of those on it!
Full marks to Sinclaire who is the ONLY UKIP MEP not just filling her bank account and actually trying her best, whilst under attack from the filth left in UKIP, to serve both her electorate and her Country – more visible to the public than the rest put together as she tries to acquit her constituency duties – fronts the defence against the invasion of Gypsies and land grabbers who quite openly flout planning laws and her Petition for an IN/OUT EU Referendum has been a tremendous achievement as she has funded it herself and driven it forward and even this the filth in UKIP attack as they have absolutely no interest visible in leaving The EU but a huge interest in protecting their income stream and status.
I’m glad of the occasional phonecall to tell me when the vile fools on Butcher’s forum say something of note – they may say what they like about me as everyone knows they are liars and I am not remotely important – I am not asking them to vote for me, I have absolutely no intertest in being a politician or joining ANY party.
A measure of the stupidity of the forum is that they make it very clear they can not refute a word I publish, they can not show a single solitary instance in 1,000s of blogs, 1,000s of forum postings and 1,000s of eMails plus 100s of pages of printed hand outs NOT ONE WORD can they show to be materially untrue, not one word is a lie, not one word is deliberately placed to mislead – they are so bereft of argument that they resort to attacking the messenger.
Yes I stated that I believe elected politicians who betray their Country are committing an act of treason and should face due provcess and even execution if the treason is grave. Yes I commented that I was glad to see someone standing up for their Country and its currency when the
BBC announced that a Swedish politician had been attacked by a no campaigner in a shopping mall, in the belief that it was of the style of egg or tomato throwing.
YES I stood by my comment even when the BBC were still claiming it was a No Protester and the politician had died as morally violence in politics must accept the consequences of its action – I am tragicly sorry for her family and Swedish politics that she died and I do not accept murder by anyone be it a protester or the police.
I stood by my comment for several reasons – one that her death WAS a tragedy but an unexpected consequence of mild violence as the BBC was reporting it and I had unwisely endorsed that violence as reported and as I understood it – just as if you hit someone in self defence you MUST accept the consequences if you find they have an annurism of which neither you nor they know and it leads to a burst and death.
It being the run up to Christmas did someone in the US State department walk up to their old friend Richard Holbrook and give him a friendly bear hug that triggered his aeurtal annurism?
Finally as Skeptyk and all other informed individual NOW know the Swedish authorities and the BBC were seemingly deliberately misleading the public and it was not until AFTER the polls closed in Sweden that they let it be known that the unacceptable assault on Anna Lindh was NOT made by a NO Campaigner in their vote of destroying Swedish banking and The Kronner but was in fact a Sammi dissident in protest at the betrayal of The Sammi peoples by Anna Lindh.
I stood by the comment also based on the assurance that it would feature the fact of opposition to the EUro and loss of National identity, sovereignty and economic control on the front page of a major British broadsheet for the first time – which it did and there it has remained. If that means scum like
Septic endlessly try to make their sad attacks frankly the damage done to The EU’s scams was well worth it – the issue was brought to the front page!
You may criticise the method but the sacrifice to achieve it was me and I consider my Country and liberty more important and definitely more important than the views or opinions of cowards and filth like
Keep shooting the messenger please it has no effect on me but it raises the profile of the FACTS I publish!
Greg L-W.
ADDED 1815hrs.
My thanks to Niall Warry who has just put the following on The Forum, which is factually about right!:
Niall Warry
Uber Member
OK I've referred back to previous information and it is the time line that is all important in this story so pin back your ears skeptyk because I'll say this only once!
1.Day one Friday the BBC announce that while Anna Lindh was campaigning to scrap the Krona for the Euro she was attacked by a no campaigner. NO more deatils were given as at that stage none were known.
2. Based on this information alone GLW comments that it was good to hear that at last somebody was prepared to stand up for their currency and included this comment in a long e-mail about countries having to give up their currencies for the Euro.
3. Foggo reacts to GLW's e-mail and feels this would make a good story. He agrees for it to be on page 3 with a further supportive article near the middle of the paper by another jounalist. The article was to include a quote form GLW saying something like "Politicians who betray their country after DUE PROCESS should be executed."
4. Day two Saturday - Foggo informs GLW that she has died from a stab wound. GLW had no idea she had been stabbed and thought she had had an egg thrown at or something.
5.Day three Sunday the article is run but the sub-editor to 'spice it up' leaves out from GLW's quote the words DUE PROCESS.
6.Foggo rings GLW to offer an apology which he says will be printed next week but GLW declines this offer feeling an apology buried deep in the paper is hardly worth it. He now admits he stupidly made a mistake not to accept the apology.
7. Protestor turns out to be a Sami from Lapland and not a No campaigner who atacked Anna Lindh for her bretrayal of the Sami's for selling off their land to logging companies and mining interests.
So IMO not the best bit of PR GLW has ever had given people's abiltiy to only see or hear what they want to but the over riding issue still is not the man but his ball.
Has GLW ever said anything about UKIP which is not true?
Last edited by Niall Warry; Today at 05:08 PM.
here is the article from The Sunday Telegraph 7 years ago & for the record:
Eurosceptic hails Lindh murder
By Daniel Foggo 12:01AM BST 14 Sep 2003
A prominent British Eurosceptic has described the murder of the Swedish foreign minister Anna Lindh as the act of a "patriot" and called upon other anti-euro campaigners to be prepared to take similar action against government figures here.
Police are investigating whether Greg Lance-Watkins, who runs EuroRealist, an internet site which is virulently against Britain's membership of the EU, has acted illegally.
Ms Lindh, 46, a leading proponent of the pro-euro campaign in Sweden which culminates today in a referendum on whether to join the currency, was
stabbed by an unknown assailant four days ago. Mr Lance-Watkins has issued a statement welcoming the attack on Ms Lindh.
He calls British ministers "traitors" for signing away the UK's sovereignty and says they should be tried for treason.
In e-mails sent to a variety of organisations, he said: "I do hope there will be patriots in Britain with the courage to deal with traitors that has been shown in Sweden.
"If our corrupt politicians force us to take the same route to defend our economy and country . . . then I suggest the first patriot to take direct action is remembered by putting his or her statue on the remaining plinth in Trafalgar Square." A spokesman for Gwent Police said: "We will look at these e-mails to see if there is anything of a criminal nature."
Last night Mr Lance-Watkins stood by his comments. "Yes, I do support the execution of elected politicians when they seek to betray the electorate and their country," he said.
To view the original article
Eurosceptic hails Lindh murder
Title written NOT by Daniel Foggo but by sub editor for front page attention. AFTER DF had left for the weekend.
By Daniel Foggo 12:01AM BST 14 Sep 2003
Do NOTE the time & date DF filed HIS story - one minute past midnight on Saturday morning. (sorry correction - an obvious error this was the Sunday morning. Clearly it could not in fact be 12:01hrs. on the 14th! Fortunately a simple error that alters nothing but actually shows the facts as I remember them to be MORE accurate as DF had long left the building! There is bound to be some duplicitous low life try and score points on this detail relative to 7 years ago. Would that they would put the effort into addressing the issues not preening over the mere messenger but then it is clear they lack the integrity or ability to address the message.)
A prominent British Eurosceptic has described the murder of the Swedish foreign minister Anna Lindh as the act of a "patriot" and called upon other anti-euro campaigners to be prepared to take similar action against government figures here.
My statement to DF was regarding the attack as reported by the BBC as I had received the information originally - The BBC stated the Minister had been attacked by a No Campaigner on the Wednesday evening with no further relevant details.
Police are investigating whether Greg Lance-Watkins, who runs EuroRealist, an internet site which is virulently against Britain's membership of the EU, has acted illegally.
As was obvious to them some low life mischief maker had phoned the Police relative to my eMail - of course no meaningful investigation took place and the malicious phonecall was ignored - I personally checked with the police at the time.
Ms Lindh, 46, a leading proponent of the pro-euro campaign in Sweden which culminates today in a referendum on whether to join the currency, was stabbed by an unknown assailant four days ago.
The assailant was I understand known to the police in Sweden as a Sammi dissident and was I understand arrested on the day of the attack.
Interestingly neither Daniel Foggo nor I were aware of any mention of any other culprit until AFTER the polls closed in the surrender referendum and the line was maintained by the Swedish Government and I understand The BBC that the attack was by a No Campaigner seemingly for the sympathy vote for the betrayal of Sweden.
Mr Lance-Watkins has issued a statement welcoming the attack on Ms Lindh.
CORRECT - when aware that an attack had taken place I was under the impression from the BBC reports that the equivalent of someone throwing an egg at her had occurred and it was not until Daniel phoned me, on, as I recall, the Friday that I became aware of the severity of the assault.
He calls British ministers "traitors" for signing away the UK's sovereignty and says they should be tried for treason.
CORRECT - I stand by this statement and British politicians and their political class and apparatchiks have dishonestly and unlawfully betrayed the peoples and Country of Britain in clear and irrefutable betrayal of The British Constitution as in Magna Carta and every single amendment allowable or made to it since.
In e-mails sent to a variety of organisations, he said: "I do hope there will be patriots in Britain with the courage to deal with traitors that has been shown in Sweden.
CORRECT - And so I do to this day in the context of the severity of the attack as and when I made the comment based upon the reporting and style of report of the BBC radio at the time (I do not have a TV nor have I had for 15 years).
"If our corrupt politicians force us to take the same route to defend our economy and country . . . then I suggest the first patriot to take direct action is remembered by putting his or her statue on the remaining plinth in Trafalgar Square."
I believe this to be a good and effective use of the 4th. plinth most other statuary in London is of honourable men and women who defended these United Kingdoms, minded that no serious crime was involved in the defence of our currency and peoples.
A spokesman for Gwent Police said: "We will look at these e-mails to see if there is anything of a criminal nature."
You will note the comment 'IF' and the fact that he is commenting relative to 'e'Mails written in the clear belief that no injury of note had been caused as per the BBC reports at the time.
Last night Mr Lance-Watkins stood by his comments. "Yes, I do support the execution of elected politicians when they seek to betray the electorate and their country," he said.
CORRECT - Minded of the use of the word 'execution' which would clearly have a legal connotation and be the outcome of due process for treason which was unlawfully set aside by politicians to prevent them from this risk of due process - it will be noted the majority of the public believe it is the duty of the state to protect the innocent mebers of the state and the country by Judicious use of a death penalty.
Anna Lindh was, with the benefit of hindsight, fatally stabbed during the afternoon of Wednesday 10-Sep-2010.
I issued my 'e'Mail based upon the BBC news report that gave absolutely no indication it was a severe attack on the evening of 10-Sep-2010
I became aware that Anna Lindh had tragically died on Friday the 12-Sept-2010 when Daniel Foggo phoned to tell me and offered to pull the article. I understand the BBC announced the tragic death of Anna Lindh late on Thursday 11-Sept-2010 long after strenuous efforts were made, involving near constant transfussion and well over 9 hours of surgery time. There had been a period when they thought they had saved her life and she rallied only subsequently to require further surgery and I understand she died in surgery.
These details were given to me by two of the 3 Swedish Newspapers that phoned me 2 on the Sunday and one on the Monday - All three journalists considered, in the light of the facts, that it was an understandable error leading to a non story. They also informed me that even most of the media in Sweden were led to believe that the assailant was a No Campaigner until deadlines had passed for the closing of the ballot!
Two of the journalists said they knew and were in touch with the family and when asked to pass on my condollences personally assured me they would. On the Monday a phone call was made by an official from Sweden who thanked me for the condollences as they had been passed on to the family and explained the Swedish authorities had no interest in the report and understood the time lines.
The outcome and reasoning was as published above. Daniel Foggo brought the article up to date with wording he read to me on Saturday afternoon 13-Sep-2010.
The sub editor appended the sensationalist headline beyond the control of Daniel Foggo and made what he considered suitable minor alterations.
I have heard absolutely nothing further of this matter other than when the corrupt and dishonest seek to make capital out of selective representation in what is clearly a dishonest and cowardly way - all too often sheltering their dishonourable behaviour behind anonymity knowing that their reprehensible behaviour at the time, let alone seven years later brings shame on their identity which they thus hide.
I expect filth who can not honourably deal with the truth I publish on this and utter matters will seek out any filth they can concoct to try to defame the messenger - they seem not to be bright enough to realise the harm it does them each time as they wriggle and wheedle to make an issue of an event with absolutely no relevance to the facts they can not dispel.
Any individual of any morality or integrity will be aware that to attack the messenger in default of the message - the man instead of the ball - demeans the attacker and strenthens the message - those witjh an ability to lead evidence to overturn information are in the main respected but those who lead no consequential material in an attack on the man rather than the ball are rightly held in contempt by honourable men and women.
Failure to show that I have EVER deliberately and wittingly lied or misled whilst too cowardly to put their name to their attacks shows the depths to which such filth will sink in defence of their income or status.
More Details of Anna Lindh's life can be found at
A speculative theory on the death of Anna Lindh
In memory of Bo Holmberg widower of Anna Lindh
The Anna Lindh Foundation (a part of EUROMED)
Reclaim YOUR Future
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
(IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate) .
to Reclaim YOUR Future
Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 - 62 65 62