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Wednesday, 29 September 2010

#Doc055* - FULLER, Annabelle 01

#Doc055* - FULLER, Annabelle 01

Annabelle FULLER
Tuesday, 28 September 2010
Annabelle Fuller is back in UKIP
I scanned the long list of Mr Farage's nominating supporters published recently on his web site. It contains most of the usual suspects and sycophants and is compulsory reading for those wishing to fully understand UKIP's often bizarre actions.
At the top, and his proposer, was Malcolm Pearson the former leader proposed and heavily promoted by Mr Farage as the outstanding candidate at our previous leadership election. A bit incestuous one might think and Yes, the same Malcolm Pearson who went around the South West urging UKIP PPCs to stand down in favour of his Tory candidate friends and even went out campaigning for other parties! A man is known by the company he keeps or even his supporters and proposers.
More interesting is that near the bottom of the list of supporters along with two other Fullers the name Annabelle Fuller appears. Annabelle Fuller is a long time close friend and associate of Nigel Farage. She it was who had a laptop holding confidential videos of prospective UKIP MEP candidates media test interviews done by Clive Page. Amongst those interviews was one done by John West that was posted from Morocco on YouTube, a public access web site, with the demeaning headline, 'How not to do politics'.
When David, Del and I found out about this we raised it at the NEC. The then chairman John Whittaker contacted Ms Fuller and read out a statement he had obtained from Ms Fuller that said, 'She had left the laptop in the back of a London taxi. It had been returned to her flat 4 days later by the taxi driver who she said had obtained her address by looking in some of the computer files.'
The story was that this taxi driver or one of his associates could have flown to Morocco, posted the video on YouTube, posted the denigrating caption, flown back to London and returned the LapTop to Ms Fuller. David, Del and I refused to accept this story and demanded the NEC investigate this damaging matter further. John Whittaker stated he was not minded to do this and that Ms Fuller had anyway resigned from UKIP. I have no idea if this in fact happened but it seems Ms Fuller is now back in UKIP.
John Whittaker's name appears high up in Mr Farages list of nominating supporters.
There were several obvious holes in Ms Fuller's tale. London cabbies are required to hand in property left in their taxis to the police within 24 hours. Why was only John West's interview out of the near 100 recorded chosen to be put up on UKIP? Did the taxi men view all these UKIP supposedly confidential interviews or did they choose JW's at random? Who was this taxi man?
I switched on breakfast TV this morning to find the Information Commissioner opining on the importance of safeguarding confidential personal information. He chose the example of a LapTop with people's confidential detail left on a train as an example of unacceptable practice for which the organisation responsible could be held liable for its employees negligence. Ho, hum.
I hope UKIPers will see through Nigel Farage and his associates and vote for the Tim Congdon/Gerard Batten ticket as the only hope of UKIP developing a credible and sustainable get out of the EU campaign here in the UK and get some UKIP MPs elected..
posted by Eric Edmond at 01:30
To view the original of this article CLICK HERE

Having effectively been kicked out of UKIP for her dishonesty and stupidity by John WITTACKER the then Chairman who resigned over the issue of providing cover for Nigel Farage's seemingly out of control mistress as perceived by most right thinking folk.

We note the foul mouther Fuller re-emerged with a job probably obtained for her by her Father at The British Legion but we understand that did not last long as genuine decent members increasingly became aware of young Trixi's behaviour, morals and gutter language.

The next job would seem to have been equally short lived and reading between the lines - always potential for error! it seems that her next employer was defamed by association with her - in as far as a body like the Army Benevolent Fund can be defamed by such association - I leave you to draw your own conclusion based upon this extract from her sqalid little blog with its vile language and complete lack of taste!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Just for the record...

Ah when you're busy enough in your life trying to set up new businesses, doing pro bono work for little charities who are trying to make a difference rather than use beneficiaries to promote themselves and endlessly waiting for people to get back to you so you can finish jobs, you get another little lump of dog turd in the post.

Care of my previous employers an accusation of defamation (Yes, even though they're an organisation.) amongst other little gems.

Initial response once picked self back off chair is Arkell v Pressdram but it would be nice if people realised that the 1996 Defamation Act doesn't exist for people who take offence at truthful remarks to have their egos stroked better through the medium of a civil case. If it were then, let alone be on a Prime Time TV show, Craig Revel-Horwood would be in the debtors prison.

Recalling the times in Brussels when friend and I played volley ball with writs written by MEPs who had taken umbridge at being featured in a less than attractive light. Ah, such happy days.

Sadly for these folk, I'm not going to withdraw my complaint against them. I'm made of sterner stuff than that.

UKIP: Annabelle's feeling the heat

We were extremely saddened to hear that Ms Fuller has been feeling rather upset recently. Her 'reputation' in Westminster circles is now in the gutter (was it ever any higher?) following her attempts to smear Andrew Bridgen's name by accusing him of sexual assault. We have been informed that MPs have now been advised to steer well clear of this women and her associates. Does that include Nigel Farage?

Here is a recent hissy fit from Ms Fuller. It comes as no surprise that she is incapable of making ANY comment without resorting to foul language.

Taken from the UKIP Forum:

Full Name: Annabelle Fuller

Bobfm, it would be defamatory if it were untrue.

I hardly think this would have passed the Sunday Mirror legal team nor the press office of the MET or my solicitor if it were not the truth.

Given these facts, it may be wise to consider what you say and remember that the 1996Act also covers the internet.

I have had enough ***offensive language auto-deleted by forum*** written about me over the years to put up with it any longer.

Spon: there are many things I could say about you and your possible negative impacts on the party. However, I do not. Whether it's a matter of idleness in the case of someone who is irrelevant in my life or a possible concern for your occasional feelings I cannot be bothered to look into. You can pontificate on the issue if you will: I am sure it will fill up the lonely hours.

End of hissy fit.

Here are three Junius archive articles which mention Ms Fuller. The first is by Gregg Beaman (former lead UKIP MEP candidate in the NW), the second is by Del Young (former UKIP NEC member) and the third is by John West (former UKIP PPC and Branch Chairman).

I was heartened yesterday to receive a letter from senior and respected members of the UK Independence Party expressing their thoughts, and fears, on the future of the Party. I agreed with them and some of the reasons I stood down as lead candidate in the North West for the Euro elections, and as Regional Organiser, are virtually the same.

Of course the clique in control of the party have tried to blacken my name. They have accused me of using a pseudonym on an internet forum to criticise the Leader. I was not registered on that forum but anyway, big deal, it shows how small-minded the current leadership clique are and how they respond to criticism perceived or real.

They also accused me of using my position as Regional Organiser to gain advantage in the election for the list in the North West. Paul Nuttall, and his little sidekick in Brussels, Michael McManus, lodged a complaint about a letter I supposedly sent to members canvassing their support in the Euro election poll. Of course the letter doesn't exist as every member in the North West knows. The complaint was withdrawn anyway, but they have still used the imaginary letter to try and blacken my name.

Note that this blog is no longer 'Gregg Beaman's Blog'. The reason being that I was tired of receiving unpleasant 'anonymous' comments after I stood down. Who was sending the unpleasant 'anonymous' comments? Well at least one sender was Rachel Oxley. How do I know? Because I goaded the 'anonymous' one and received a text message from Rachel Oxley owning up. How very grown up and mature. Is she the kind of woman who should be Vice Chairman of a national political party?
I then had Lisa Duffy emailing people claiming that I stood down because of a debilitating illness and because I had only expected to come third rather than first. More fibs from a member of the ruling clique.

One of life's ironies is that it was only in May 2008, at the North West Spring Conference in Morecambe, that Rachel Oxley and Lisa Duffy had complained to me that Annabelle Fuller had spent the Saturday evening texting Nigel Farage, quite suggestively and quite openly, about what she wanted to do with him when he came to the North West the following day. Lacking the courage of their convictions they happily passed it on to me. But later Duffy was terrified that the Party Chairman was upset with her for 'spilling the beans' on the Leader. And that was after them specifically asking me to pass on their concerns to the Party Chairman.

But Lisa Duffy was that way inclined. Before the last leadership election she had phoned me in a terrible panic after she had been contacted to consent to Farage's nomination but had already promised to consent to David Campbell Bannerman's candidacy. She didn't understand that democracy worked that way. She clearly lacks the courage of he convictions, if indeed she has any convictions. Don't fight for what you believe, just stay in with the right people seems to be her philosophy.

A few weeks before I stood down I had been critical of Nigel Farage to Rachel Oxley, describing him as a liability. It may be a coincidence but Rachel Oxley never spoke to me again after that. I only received an email from her informing me that she would no longer speak at a meeting of members that I had organised in Cumbria. Not very professional I thought, but very spiteful. I now see that it typifies the lack of respect for the members that typifies certain people in the current leadership clique.

That is some of the background that added to my increasing disillusionment over the last couple of years and, ultimately, to my decision to walk. But, most importantly, I had come to realise that after having MEPs since 1999 the Party had failed to move our cause forward. In 2008 we still only achieved 2% in the Crewe and Henley by-elections. A quarter of our MEPs elected in 2004 had gone, and I don't need to go into detail. In my opinion too many of the remaining MEPs have been seduced by the position, especially the current party leader, and they ignore the fact that we have failed to make any impact in Parliamentary elections, which they continually argue will come with the resources gained from having MEPs.

In August I was told that Paul Nuttall was to become Party Chairman. I knew then that I could no longer continue. I had always felt that Paul was only in it for what he could get. The way he grovelled to Farage, even starting to dress like him, had made me cringe and some of us in the North West had even started referring to him as 'Scouse Farage'.

When the results of the members' poll were announced I was told that Farage was jumping up and down ranting that I had to be removed from the top of the list, and I heard that from three different sources. I wondered what had happened to the Party that had offered so much hope to so many of us. All my doubts about even standing in the European elections were still there and I was not prepared to stand if all it meant was a good living for five years for no political gain. Their behaviour had convinced me, more than ever, that there is an element in the Party only interested in the 'gravy train', their own vanity and little else.

As far as Farage is concerned I knew when I met him, during the Preston by-election in 2000, that he was the personification of vanity and ego with little behind that wafer thin facade. I have seen his childish temper tantrums when he doesn't get his own way, when I was on the NEC and later when I was on the Elections Committee. I have seen him bully people and have stood up to him when he has tried to bully me. He must be one of the coarsest most vulgar individuals I have ever come across. The proposed changes to the party constitution are a result of the complete lack of principle of the current leader and chairman and, it must be said, the lack of courage shown by certain members on the Party's NEC.

One thing Farage has excelled at is driving decent, honest people away. There is no room under Farage's leadership for open debate and discussion, and God forbid there should be any disagreement with him. When people have had enough and go his clique then proceed to try and blacken their names, and others have had much worse smears than I have directed at them. He only wants around him people who are easily flattered and who do not think for themselves.

The current changes to the constitution, if approved, will remove the right of the members to contribute to the party's future and will certainly remove the right of members to criticise the decisions of the leadership. UKIP will then be no different from the European Union that it was formed to fight.

Finally I remember appearing in a TV debate in 2004 when Labour MEP Arlene McCarthy accused UKIP of lacking the principle of Sinn Fein, who refused to take their seats in a parliament they opposed. I have thought long and hard about that comment since and have to say that Sinn Fein are now power sharing in Ulster. Where are UKIP?

To read the original: LINK

Del Young on Fuller
Date: Saturday, 26 July, 2008, 16:52

Saturday 26 July 2008

Dear Mr. Whitaker,

First of all let me say that I can sympathise with the fact that a stupid, selfish and destructive action concerning the posting of John West’s MEP media interview on YouTube by Annabelle Fuller has put you in a difficult position.

When the actions of others put us in difficult positions it can be highly frustrating, however given the circumstantial evidence that there is a 99% chance that this video was indeed posted by Miss Fuller, from your email I get the impression that you have not spoken to Miss Fuller indepth regarding this matter.

Instead you have chosen to email the National Executive of the party a fanciful story from Miss Fuller, which is hugely insulting to what little intelligence I possess.

Not only is it damaging to Mr. West that this video has been leaked, it is potentially far more damaging to the party that this video and Miss Fullers Comments – “UKIP are the Eurosceptic nutters” etc. - have ended up in the public domain, and indeed I believe it was posted for a time on the BNP website for god’s sake.

The leader and his disciples have always accused innocent hard working activists of doing things to damage the party and yet one of his most protected confidants has done immense damage to the party with her vengeful, spiteful actions.

As the Chairman of the party and NEC, your first loyalty should be to the best interests of the party and the cause for which we fight, but increasingly over the years you and the majority of NEC members seem to have put loyalty to the leader ahead of the interests of the members, the party and our cause.

As an NEC member I have a duty to work with the elected leader of the party to take our cause forward, but I do not owe that duty blindly and unquestioningly – I have to balance what help or support I give to our leader with the best interests of the party, its members and our objectives.

It has been an open secret within the party that Miss Fuller was under the protection of the party leader and that is why on many occasions Miss Fuller has written things on internet forums that were hugely offensive to members, including certain NEC members and yet no action has ever been taken against her.
Indeed there was a particular series of postings on an internet forum regarding Tom Wise & Roger Knapman a year or two ago by an individual and Miss Fuller which caused some concern to me in so much that this individual and Miss Fuller must have had first hand and unrestricted knowledge of the matter.

At that time I raised my concerns to the NEC and they were minuted regarding persons in the press office having access to information of a sensitive nature and not handling it with confidentiality and care.

I later found out that the person in question was Miss Fullers partner and I was assured by Clive Page that Miss Fuller would not make any future postings and that she had been warned about her behaviour.

Yet after a couple of months Miss Fuller was once again posting on Internet forums commenting in ways unbecoming of a professional member of this party.

Indeed she stated on the Independence and Democracy forum that she is not answerable to the party, instead claiming that she reported to someone in the European parliament and yet it seems she has open licence to abuse UKIP’s name, members and NEC.

If Miss Fuller chooses to resign from whatever positions she holds or indeed from the party before a disciplinary hearing can be arranged, if that is deemed appropriate, there is little that you can do.

However I still believe you should have had a meeting with Miss Fuller to establish all the facts in this matter and prepared a report for the NEC to consider, at the specially convened meeting Eric Edmonds requested and any response to the wider members then agreed by the NEC, instead of this Hollywood fantasy involving a taxi driver and a mysterious computer specialist - I did not realise Stephen Spielberg had joined the party!

Miss Fuller’s actions have left the party with a potentially very large can of legal worms and a high risk of financial liability, I understand that Mr. West has now engaged lawyers and intends to sue the party, as it was UKIP that was responsible under the data protection act and not Miss Fuller.

I would also like to point out that all members of the NEC are liable and responsible for any financial liabilities of the party.

I also believe that the police will be interviewing Mr. West in the near future with a view to launching an investigation and that the information commissioner to whom this matter has been reported may also conduct an investigation, which may lead to the party receiving a sizeable fine.

So you see Mr. Whitaker, Miss Fuller may have walked off into the sunset, whilst we are left to face the music and the possibility of picking up a number of huge bills and your email has done very little to help matters and gives the impression we are running for political numpties of the year award (hotly contested with Gordon Brown I believe).

I suspect that this may not be the last we see of Miss Fuller with regards to UKIP and the InDem group and their activities, I rather suspect that she will be employed by someone connected to UKIP or as a consultant in the 2009 campaign and hence again given the right to apparently speak on behalf of the party.

What has happened to Mr. West has been totally hurtful, unprofessional and hugely unacceptable on all levels, however sometimes we cannot control what happens to us, but we can manage the effects of what happens to us.

As an NEC member I want to work with you and the other members of the NEC in managing this very fine mess once again, created by someone under the protection of the party leader.

Firstly I would respectfully suggest that you write a letter on behalf of yourself and the NEC unreservedly apologising to Mr. West and call an extraordinary NEC meeting as requested by Eric Edmonds so that we can work through and manage where possible, repair where we can, apologise where we must and ensure that the party does not find itself in this position again.

There is an increasingly distasteful pattern appearing in the party, that when party members raise concerns or lodge complaints, they are treated with disdain, contempt and viciousness and in some cases are openly attacked or have lies told about them.

There also seems to be a general refusal to investigate complaints, which in turn leads to further dissatisfaction and trouble that could have been avoided in the first place.

Dr. David Abbott stressed at the NEC meeting in July that we really need to investigate John West’s and others complaints, because failure to do so upsets the activists and rubs the members up the wrong way, sadly his request as per usual appears to have fallen on deaf ears.

Mr. Whitaker you are a very intelligent man and I know you are better than this.

Loyalty to our leader is admirable and should be encouraged, but that loyalty cannot take precedence over the interests of the members and our cause, if the leader is hell-bent on taking us down a very narrow political dead end, there is no good to come from us ignoring the signs and pretending that we cannot see the dangers that lie ahead – it is our duty to advise the leader that he must change direction – this is not disloyal, this is common sense.

At the NEC meeting in June I tried to point out to our leader some of things he needs to change and some of the things that he needs to change, including certain personnel, to get the party back on the right road but this also fell on deaf ears.

We need to have a clear functional and effective strategy, working closely with our branches and our activists in moving forward and growing the party, as our hardest task is to educate the British people on the dangers of the Political EU.

Simply concentrating on returning as many MEP’s as possible in 2009, whilst maybe being admirable and right is not a wholesale or effective strategy for achieving what we must achieve in the UK .

One does not have to like the messenger, but it does help on the odd occasion to listen to the message.

Please call an extraordinary NEC meeting for early in August so that as an NEC we can ask the relevant questions and uniformly manage this mess.

The NEC needs to get back and manage this party as laid down in the constitution, as there are far too many individuals or little groups who are unaccountable to the NEC and yet are making decisions or taking actions whilst being given licence and protection by the leader to use UKIP’s name, sometimes causing damage to the party’s name or members, whilst the NEC is responsible and liable for any recriminations.

It is time for us to stop being the see no evil, hear no evil, but do much evil club.

I have no doubt I will be branded mal-content or trouble maker etc. as usual, however I can assure you that I have just one agenda, and that is to save this country from the political EU and to make this party as strong and effective as it can be to achieve that aim.

Yours truly,



John West on UKIP and Fuller

Many of you will know by now that I was thrown out of UKIP by a Disciplinary Committee chaired by Derek Clark MEP, who is currently under investigation by OLAF.

The original complaint was made by Jeffrey Titford - Clark’s friend and colleague. Michael Zuckerman, the Party Secretary, even continued to handle the paperwork for this hearing after he informed me that he had withdrawn from the case. The result, in my opinion, was a Kangaroo Court and not an independent inquiry. The outcome was as expected.

My only crime was to report Jeffrey Titford to Essex Police based on the details of his former office manager, Ken Bennett, who told me of alleged financial irregularities involving Titford’s parliamentary allowance.

I was forced to do this after Nigel Farage - via a third party - refused my request for an internal investigation into the allegations that Titford had misused his parliamentary allowances.

I can only guess at the reasons behind Farage’s decision. However, I note that previous requests for an independent audit into the finances of UKIP’s MEPs were also refused. Also, it is interesting to note just how violent are the attacks on anyone who questions the validity of UKIP accounts. One can only draw the conclusion that there is something to hide.

It is an absolute disgrace that a British citizen can be disciplined by a political party for acquitting his duty and going to the Police and asking them to investigate a suspected crime.

That I can be condemned by Nigel Farage, Paul Nuttall, David Bannerman (and the grubby little clique that openly support them on this matter) for doing my civic duty tells you all you need to know about their complete lack of morality and sense of justice.

Farage, Nuttall, Bannerman and the rest of the clique are sending out a clear message to the members - if you are made aware of an alleged crime involving a UKIP member you had better keep your mouth shut or else!

I wonder if UKIP intends to put this very unusual law and order policy in their election manifesto?

I can confirm that the Police file on Titford has now been passed to OLAF for evaluation. Neil Thomson of OLAF has said that I may be called as a prosecution witness if they decide to proceed with the case.

I can also confirm that I have reported both Titford and Zuckerman to the relevant authorities. I have asked them to investigate the use of UKIP’s internal disciplinary process to discipline a potential prosecution witness (if any such case were brought against Titford at the behest of OLAF).

I can assure you that the matter is far from closed.

It is my view that Nigel Farage and many of the leadership of UKIP have been conning the British public for years. Their trumpeted Euro-scepticism is now no more than a cynical ploy designed to fool people into voting them back onto the EU gravy train.

When I first joined UKIP I actually believed that UKIP was sincere in its endeavour to extricate Britain from the European Union! I must now confess that I was conned along with thousands of other trusting members.

Some of UKIP`s MEPs are now part of the problem. Thanks to their love of the good life they have forgotten about why they were elected and who they are supposed to represent.

It is no wonder that EU officials now appear to regard UKIP as part of the EU establishment!That Farage ignored a number of UKIP’s own rules in order to get Marta Andreasen – who defines herself not as a Eurosceptic but an EU reformer - onto the MEP list illustrates the level of his so-called Euro-scepticism!

I find it laughable that certain UKIP members can suggest that I was supposedly waging a campaign against the likes of Stuart Gulleford in order to damage his chances of becoming an MEP list candidate!

I would suggest that these individuals get their facts right before making such remarks, indeed I suggest they locate some facts in their belligerent arguments.

In fact, if you ascertain the ‘time line’ with accuracy it shows that it was Mr Gulleford, Mr Titford and their supporters who were involved in a campaign to smear certain members who expressed an interest in becoming MEPs.

In late 2007 I received a threatening letter from George Curtis, the Eastern Counties Chairman.This was sent to me after I had organised a conference on immigration for UKIP!

In the letter I was told to watch my step or else.

I complained to John Whittaker and NEC about this but nothing was done. I was not even sent an acknowledgement. So much for Dr Whittaker representing the interests of the members!

In April 2008 Jeffrey Titford and Stuart Gulleford used UKIP’s Eastern Region membership email database to send out an email to hundreds of members. In this email Christopher Hudson and I were attacked for organising a UKIP conference on law and order.

According to Titford & Gulleford we had ignored the wishes of the NEC and were holding the conference in order to promote ourselves and our friends.This was totally untrue, a fantasy grounded on not one single substantive fact or shred of evidence.

Both Gulleford and Titford were aware that the NEC had given me authorisation and encouragement to hold the conference. Both were also aware that Christopher and I were thinking of putting our names forward for the Euro elections.

That both Titford and Gulleford abused their positions in order to attack fellow members is obvious and undeniable. That this was done in order to damage our chances of being selected MEP candidates is also obvious and undeniable.

I should add that Lisa Buckle, who works in Titford’s office, confirmed to me in 2008 that the email was sent out at the behest of Stuart Gulleford.

So please don’t insult the intelligence of members by suggesting that Stuart Gulleford and Jeffrey Titford are somehow the innocent victims of a smear campaign orchestrated by me.

I have also been criticised by some members for complaining about the way the MEP selection process was handled.

But if you were made aware of rigged panels, grubby little deals between UKIP members and broken rules would you stay silent?

And let us also not forget a breach of contract with each and every candidate who paid £250.00 to be listed as candidates!

Even UKIP’s own Returning Officer has said that the process was flawed and should have been rerun.

That Gill, as the appointed party officer, failed in his duty, as did the NEC in refusing to even acknowledge the numerous complaints by members, suggests that they have much to hide.

If the selection process had been fair and the rules had been followed I would have happily campaigned for the lead candidates.

What I cannot accept is a selection process that was rigged in order to get the likes of David Bannerman - a man who has been accused of lying about his supposed close relationship to a former PM - elected as lead candidate.

Members will be aware that shortly after I complained about the MEP selection process my MEP video interview was posted on the internet in a direct breach of trust by an employee of UKIP and the IND/DEM Group.

That it was placed on You Tube by Annabelle Fuller, an employee of the Party and the IND/DEM Group, was confirmed to me by Clive Page who phoned me on 19th July 2008 at 6.50pm to deny his personal involvement in the sordid business.

That Miss Fuller placed the video on You Tube at the behest of Nigel Farage - her very ‘close friend’ - in order to defame me was also confirmed to me by Clive Page.

Members may also be interested to know that John Whittaker threatened to resign over the video leak if Farage refused to sack Fuller.

For 48 hours Farage refused to do so. However, Whittaker would not back down and Farage was forced to terminate her employment.

Farage then tried to persuade Lord Pearson and Bob Spink to employ her. To their credit both refused to do so. He then contacted the Taxpayers Alliance. They also refused to employ her.

I have been told that Fuller has now been re-employed on the sly by Godfrey Bloom MEP.

In two newspapers ( the Independent and Daily Mail) Fuller has claimed that she was forced out of UKIP due to sexism. That Farage was prepared to support Fuller’s sordid little fantasy in one of these articles clearly illustrates the man’s dishonesty and immorality.To this day I have never received an apology from anyone in UKIP’s leadership for the video leak.

We have all witnessed UKIP’s collapse since 2004 and the sharp decline in membership numbers due to Farage’s inept and talentless leadership.

High profile members have left and Bob Spink, UKIP`s former MP, now seeks to put a distance between himself and the party.

I personally feel saddened that our party has been reduced to a cult where the cry is seemingly ‘the Leader is always right!’

A true leader listens to his members. He does not ignore them.

Under the current leadership UKIP will be lucky to get more than a couple of MEPs elected in June.

UKIP should be bounding ahead by now, but they are short of funds and are now dependent on donations from Alan Bown and Stuart Wheeler.

Many of us have not forgotten that it was Farage who promised at the Leadership election that he would bring many large donations into the party. Another failed promise.

Over a five year period UKIP`s MEPs could have quite legitimately paid a percentage of their earnings into the party, as other parties do, to fund future election campaigns. However, they decided not to.

If they will not put the party first why should the party support them ?Under Farage UKIP’s internal dealings have been lacking in openness and integrity.

Farage is egotistical, paranoid and lacking in integrity. He sanctions the ambushing and expulsion of decent members and supports kangaroo courts. He condones harassment , threats and verbal abuse. He conducts witch-hunts against his assumed enemies and gets his cronies to smear his opponents as BNP supporters. His behaviour and actions would make Robert Mugabe proud!

UKIP has been led to destruction by a leader and a compliant NEC that appears to seek to destroy anyone who displays talent and initiative and thus threatens their position.

UKIP is now finished as a force in British politics and deservedly so.

A vote for Farage and UKIP is now little more than a vote for the betrayal of the British people.

Clearly a man who, it is rumoured, can’t even keep his marriage vows can never be trusted to keep his word to the British public.

However, I know that many UKIP members believe that the Party can somehow be saved if Farage is forced to resign after June 4th.

I applaud their optimism but sadly I know that their efforts will come to nothing.UKIP is now beyond help as it is not just Farage who would have to go. Many others would also have to walk the plank.

A UKIP led by Nuttall or Bannerman would still be unelectable.

It may interest members to know that I possess documents on UKIP that conclusively prove that UKIP‘s leadership is corrupt. Some of these documents have never been made public.

I regard it as my duty to release these to the public prior to June 4th.I will be doing this in order to give the voters the chance to see how UKIP’s leadership lied, rigged the MEP selection process and smeared decent members in order to maintain control of UKIP and thereby keep their grubby little snouts in the EU’s trough.

In conclusion, I would suggest that Nigel Farage and the rest of his clique would do well to heed the words of Oliver Cromwell who when faced with a corrupt and dishonest clique of self-serving MPs used these famous words:

“You have sat too long here for any good you have been doing. Depart, I say, and let us have done with you. In the name of God, go!”



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Monday, 27 September 2010

#Doc054* - Nigel FARAGE of UKIP - SPEAKS IN BERLIN FOR Pan EU Co-operation

#Doc054* - Nigel FARAGE of UKIP - SPEAKS IN BERLIN FOR Pan EU Co-operation
#NF019* -  Nigel FARAGE of UKIP - SPEAKS IN BERLIN FOR Pan EU Co-operation


Nigel FARAGE SPEECH 25-Sep-2010

First of all, my compliments to those professors who have been brave enough to take this challenge to the German Constitutional Court. It takes great strength and courage to swim against the tide of a media and academic environment which is continuously and fanatically pushing an agenda of EU political integration. You, the knowledgeable and visionary people have taken a stand of which you can be proud, a stand which is principled, and protective of the highest ideals of German democracy. I am here today to show my support and encourage you all to further develop the vital work you have already started

Empires of Political Union never work.

You have taken the first step in the fight against the construction of a European empire, centred in Brussels.
If you travel to Northern Africa today, in the hot sands of Egypt for example, you can see the ruins of opulent buildings of the once mighty Roman Empire. The remnants of the courts, and palaces and gymnasia of the Roman Empire are dotted all over this continent and others.

People were once taught to believe that the Roman Empire would last forever, that it was invincible, indestructible - and most importantly they thought it was inevitable. That here was no alternative but to be obedient and to submit to its political and military power. This was not true

The historical developments show us that large multi-national empires, or political unions if you like, do not properly function and further more do not survive. Where are today the Roman Empire, the Ottoman Empire, or the Austrio-Hungarian Empire? Their glorious histories and their proud times are just pieces of information on the books, historical documentaries and mouments covered over by the sands of time.

Spurred on by events, the peoples of these once powerful political unions, acted to seek one of the most precious things that a people can possess - their freedom and the ability to determine their own future.

The EU project is not about peace but about elite gaining more power.

Frequently the builders of these empires appealed to those whom they ruled, saying that they wanted to build up a pact of diverse nations into a union of peace and prosperity. That people must forget their own national interests in the name of a greater peace.

On his 80th birthday, Helmut Kohl announced that the fate of the EU’s floundering single currency was a matter of life and death: He said, “European unification is a question of war and peace... and the euro is part of our guarantee of peace.”
I am fascinated by the effect and history of the First World War. I have been to Verdun many times, frequently leading parties of history enthusiasts to learn what happened there, and why.
Who can forget the iconic image of Chancellor Helmut Kohl and French President, François Mitterrand, at the battlefield of Verdun in September 2004, holding hands and saying 'Never again.'. The subtext being of course, that the EU is necessary to prevent war on the European Continent. They forgot to mention that mature democracies rarely, if ever, initiate wars. They played on a peoples' honorable desire for peace while aiming to justify their drive towards the political unification of European nations and the destruction of national democracies.
Far from being a project of Peace, as Sunday Telegraph journalist Christopher Booker has ably shown in his book 'The Great Deception', the initial impetus towards the Common Market was an American desire to re-arm Germany after World War II and prepare for a possibly violent Cold War with the Communist East.
Of course, now the EU is showing its true colours, EU Commission President Barroso a few weeks ago called for a Common EU Defence and Foreign Policy

The claim that the EU was built up for the benefit of peace is a completely false foundation myth.

Lets not forget the example of the Former Republic of Yugoslavia. It is a clear and strong model which shows us that the un-natural and undemocratic squeezing together of diverse peoples into a political union against their will surely lead to resentment, anger and eventually, in the case of Yugoslavia, horrible bloodshed.

The World has Grown to Love Germany

The propagandists of the EU project have for decades played on and encouraged German guilt about the War to build up sympathy and support for their political and bureaucratic project.
However, this attempt shall fail for a number of reasons:
The number of young people who have never experienced the War is increasing all the time.
Because over the last 60 years the world has grown to love the German people again.

Germany needs to get over its World War guilt complex. The rest of the world has clearly moved on, and forgiven any past wrongs. Look around and see how a young German, Lena was voted Eurovision Song Contest winner, while the Catholic Church chose an erudite German, Joseph Ratzinger as Pope. A humorous Catholic might say that Germany now has even the Holy Spirit on side!

Germany just lost out on a chance to win the World Cup on Football by a few badly taken penalties!

It is this World War guilt complex which has emotionally squeezed many German politicians to support and fund the political integration of the EU.

But the good thing is, the world has forgiven Germany, and the time for war reparations, (paid as subvention of the EU) is over.

"The current situation is that the EU plays, Germany pays.

The German people should rightfully oppose forking out a huge amount of money to prop up a failed currency. Up to this point, the German people have been the mugs of Europe. They have paid for to much.

Time to say to the weak economies of Europe, enough is enough, you have to look after yourselves. Time to grow up and be responsible adults. 'You are fifty years of age, no more pocket-money from Daddy.'

As it stands the ECB are buying up junk government bonds in the market place which will undoubtedly lead to trouble.

Billionaire investor George Soros, who knows a thing or two about currencies, recently said, "Due to its history, Germany is more worried about inflation than about recession. In the rest of the world, it is exactly the other way around." Germany's interests are not served by being in a monetary union with other countries who have completely different needs and goals.

To prevent economic disaster, Germany needs to take back the Mark, and take back control.

Chancellor Merkel has used the concept of 'beneficial crisis', and has used this situation of financial crisis as an excuse to grab more power for Euro federalists. She and her fellow travellers like Martin Schulz cynically manipulating a situation to gain more of what they want. The EU and ill-conceived Euro project to a large extent created this crisis, yet these manipulators now call for more Europe, more centralised EU control - more of the same.

The German people need to protect themselves, their country and get rid of Eurofanatics.

Concerning the Greek bailout, to protect their own future, and prevent their hard-earned money being poured down a black hole of no return, the German people need to tell their politicians, 'Not one penny more. If the Greeks need the money, let them call in the IMF alone. We have paid enough already.'

The strong economies of northern Europe and the weak economies of the Med are incompatible. You can't hold two watermelons in the same hand at once. It is a huge waste of money trying to bail them out.

The Economic Consequences of the Euro and loss of Democratic oversight

You should feel proud of your hard work and your loyal commitment to your nation which has built a strong German economy and stable society. Yet why should the Germans pay billions of Euro to bail out the Meds, and prop up the Euro, while being forced to cut their budget for German childcare and education? The euro currency and political union is a crazy project. The Euro is a folly which no longer serves the interests of the German people or indeed the other peoples of Europe.

To ensure the stability of European economies as a whole, either the weak Meds leave the Euro, or the Germans leave the euro and take back the Deutsche mark. That is the only way forward.

It is in everybody's interest that countries like Greece, Spain and Ireland leave the euro, take up their own currency again and devalue. They need to be free to prosper. The alternative for these countries is a deflationary spiral, allied to increasing debt levels and eventual default.

By 2013 the debt levels of Greece and Spain etc will be so huge, that they shall not be able to repay. For Chancellor Merkel to give bucket loads of German taxpayers' money, created by your hard work, to such countries in the name of 'an ever closer political union' which no-one wants, is unjust and definitely un-necessary.

This is compounded by the fact that the German people are now having to face massive cuts in Government spending for vital services because the ruling politicians, committed to this EU Project are sending your taxpayers' money abroad.

This economic crisis in Europe, facilitated in many ways by the Euro, will finally make people question this whole project of political union. The Euro is unwanted, political union unnecessary.

Cooperation and Free trade -YES, political union- NO

I am all in favour of democratically elected national government cooperating together, freely agreeing minimum standards if that is what they want.

Cooperation and free-trade is great, but that is all we need. Political union cannot and shall not work.

The EU is asking the German people to bail it out, when the EU accounts have not been approved for 15 years. Given that the EU is a codeword for profligate waste and fraud, the question to you is - Should you, the German people, trust your money to this organisation?

The EU, the institution of butter mountains and wine lakes is the last institution the German people should be entrusting their hard-earned money to."

Loss of democratic oversight by the German people.

But the question of the Euro brings us to a much deeper problem with the EU.
Whoever asked the German people their opinion about ditching the deutche mark and having the Euro currency imposed instead? Can you remember being asked?
They were never consulted about the Euro, nor have they been directly consulted about a huge amount of laws which affect their daily lives.

Prompted by a question by Dr Roman Herzog, Former German President and former president of the German Constitutional Court who asked about the extent of new German laws which emanate from Brussels, the German Ministry of Justice compared the legal acts adopted by the Federal Republic of Germany between 1998 and 2004 with those adopted by the European Union during that period.

What was the result of this study? It found that an incredible 84 percent of news laws and regulations came from Brussels while only 16 percent of the laws came originally from the German Bundestag in Berlin. These figures are both startling and worrying
Dr Herzog himself said "the question has to be raised of whether Germany can still unreservedly be called a parliamentary democracy.", This is frightening - a real wake-up call.
This indicates that the German people have lost democratic oversight of the laws which govern their lives. This is very dangerous for democracy, a concept and practice which the German people helped develop and protect. In the national elections - what does it really matter which of the current parties you vote for when all of them are happy to allow the laws to be dictated by people you did not elect in Brussels and of whom you cannot get rid of.
By handing over the power to decide on German laws, the euro federalists have carried out the equivalent of setting fire to the Reichstag. It is people who want national democracy and are the good Europeans.

The EU has no Legitimacy

The question must be asked, if the German people did not consent to this hand over of power to the Brussels elite, how did the unelected Bureaucrats of the EU get this power?
Quite simple, the bureaucrats of the EU stole it by lying, and by cheating the people of Europe.
They lied about the effects of the Maastricht and Lisbon Treaties. They ignored the fair referendum results in France, Holland and Ireland over the Lisbon treaty. They changed the name and a bit of text in the EU Constitution, called it the Lisbon Treaty and refused to give all the peoples of Europe a vote whether they wanted it or not.
They manipulated in Ireland, but putting in a huge amount of money for the Yes campaign, all allied to a subservient press.

The more power the EU has, the more unpopular it becomes.

This now leads us to an unusual situation. Just when the EU has never had more power, it has never been more unpopular.
The EU's own polling system Eurobarometer has shown a stark decline in levels of support for the present regime of the EU. In the last six months there has been a huge decline of the popularity of the EU system in Germany, in Greece, in Portugal. In Britain, a recent YouGov opinion poll (published on Sept 10th this year) has shown that a clear 47 % of the British population want to leave the EU political union altogether. A mere 33 % of British people think the EU is a good thing and wish to remain members in the current format.

Just look at the areas in which the EU has gained most power over the years. The Common Fisheries policy has been an economic and ecological disaster. The Common Agricultural policy an engine of inequity, the Common Commercial policy is helping to strangle business opportunities. And now with a surge towards a Common Foreign Policy - the EU talks about human rights but turns a turns a blind eye to abuse of basic human rights in China.

The EU has no respect for human rights. The EU made a fundamental mistake by allowing the accession of countries like Romania and Bulgaria to join the European Union when it knew of the high levels of corruption, and rampant discrimination against the large minorities of Roma in these countries.
Those political elites who control the direction of the EU turned a blind eye because the European Empire wants to expand and now the problem is not just in those countries - it is a problem for all of us.

Barroso just recently called for a Common Defence and Foreign policy. Where will it end? Quite simply, this surge towards EU Political union will not end unless you in Germany, the largest financial contributors to the EU, put a stop to it. I ask you to act to protect your democracy, your incomes and your national interest.

You now have a very real opportunity and the power to take back democratic control.

In the UK, we in UKIP, in 1993 started off very small, because a number of people were unhappy about the possibility of losing the pound and entering the ERM (say full name). But in the last European Parliament election in the UK we took 13 seats, beating the governing Labour Party.
The tide of opinion is turning in Germany. You now have the momentum of public opinion and events turning in your favour. Democrats in Germany now have a golden opportunity to build a broad eurosceptic movement with credible candidates to present to the German public in the next European elections.

If I may quote Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: "Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do.”

This is a time of opportunity. I ask you to grab it and act on your noble desire of democracy again.

Thank you very much for your invitation, and thank you for your careful attention.

To view Pictures of the meeting CLICK HERE


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Wednesday, 8 September 2010

#Doc053* - BANNERMAN, David C 03 - WHO HE + LINKS

#Doc053* - BANNERMAN, David C 03 - WHO HE + LINKS


Firstly in the face of all the rumours this blog has no interest in the sexuality of individuals as long as it is within the law - it is between the individual and their partners as long as conducted in privacy.

David is still persisting in repeating the lie that he is the great, great nephew of Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman, Liberal Prime Minister between 1905 and 1908.

Even the newspapers continue to repeat the lie: LINK
Clearly David Bannerman lacks the morality to put an end to the lies he has told. He did at one time try to justify his story by claiming that the proof he was related to Sir Henry was that his Father owned a desk that allegedly once upon a time belonged to Sir Henry! Was one of David Bannerman's ancestors a furniture remover?

That Sir Henry's main claim to fame is being the ONLY Prime Minister to die in Number 10 Drowning Street would tend to lead credence that furniture may well have been sold off or purloined at the time. This really does seem to be the closest David Bannerman can come to Sir Henry!

David Bannerman is quiite clearly a fraud:

Here are the facts:

Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman had no children. Bannerman is not his great, great nephew.

On Bannerman’s Bombay birth certificate his first names are David Campbell and his surname is Bannerman. He used to be known as David Bannerman. When he stood in Scotland (1997) it suddenly became David Campbell-Bannerman (with a hyphen). See: LINK
When he stood in 2001 for the Tories in Warrington and Leamington he reverted to David Bannerman


The fable about being the great, great nephew of the dead prime minister wasn't used again until he joined UKIP.

There is no problem in British law using a false name or adding a forename to a surname ON CONDITION THAT IT IS NOT TO COMMIT FRAUD OR FOR GAIN there is little doubt David Bannerman included the 'Campbell' in his surname with the express purpose of fraud and misleading people having discovered that there was once a Prime Minister with that name.

David Bannerman IS NOT A DESCENDENT of Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman he is in no way meaningfully related even as the EARLIST connection possible is 2 Centuries ago. Sir Henry Campbell adopted the suffix Bannerman as an adult to inherit from what he described as a very distant relative and his wife refused to use the name to her death!

Independence, Issue 63, Dec. 2005

A New Chairman
As some of you may have heard, UKIP has a new party chairman who will take office in January. David Campbell-Bannerman, a great nephew of former Liberal Prime Minister Henry Campbell-Bannerman.
This is a direct lie designed to con the members.
David is a senior PR consultant
This seems to be impossible to substantiate - apart from a period as a councillor in Tonbridge it seems David Bannerman has never had an executive salaried position for any time.
who is looking forward to taking up this new challenge.
Never elected, merely a drinking pal and placeman of Nigel Farage's - No Evident Competence as a chairman unable to chair NEC meetings which ran on for pointless hours.
David contested North Cornwall for UKIP at the general election earlier this year.
The January issue of Independence will feature more on David, but for now I am sure you will join me in wishing him all the best.
Did anyone?

A Tory failure and serial liar only came over to UKIP after being promised the chance to become a lead MEP candidate in a ‘safe' region. This man is an untrustworthy fraud.
Claims to have been a key player in the Northern Ireland ‘peace process’. No other players can remember him with or without his keys.

He was heavily involved in the rigging of the MEP selection process, putting himself top in the Eastern Region. He made it known that he would continue to employ Peter Reeve as his RO if elected to Brussels.

Peter Reeve later sat on the panel that allowed David Bannerman to become an MEP candidate. Peter Reeve is still the RO for the Eastern Region. We will let you draw your own conclusions from that!

Bannerman is currently under investigation by OLAF after it was revealed that he was illegally paying Peter Reeve out of his MEP allowances. See: LINK

Has been known to visit certain clubs in Strasbourg. Still refuses to come clean about his own ‘William Hague’ factor!


18 Aug 2010
18 Aug 2010
On his Bombay birth certificate his first names are David Campbell and his surname is Bannerman. He used to be just known as David Bannerman. When he stood in Scotland it was thought a jolly wheeze to add his middle name to his surname ...
29 Aug 2010
29 Aug 2010
Mr Williams was thrown out of his own UKIP Branch as chairman for corruption - including colluding with Malcolm Wood to out manoeuvre the decisions of the Branch Committee - nominated Bannerman. We guess someone had to endorse the lying ...
18 Aug 2010
18 Aug 2010
The only likely upset to this would be if Bannerman, Batten or Nuttall (none of whom have the ability, intelligence, competence or integrity, being dishonest and liars, to hold the job) should they challenge over the next few weeks . ...
24 Aug 2010
24 Aug 2010
Nigel Farage, Bannerman and others are desparate to get this dishonest piece of filth on the NEC all the usual suspects have signed his form - no chance of EVER making UKIP electable with liars like this but his assenters etc. show ...
07 Aug 2010
07 Aug 2010
That I can be condemned by Nigel Farage, Paul Nuttall, David Bannerman (and the grubby little clique that openly support them on this matter) for doing my civic duty tells you all you need to know about their complete lack of morality ...
25 Aug 2010
25 Aug 2010
Sadly Paula Daly's aspirations as stated are almost contra fact and her judgement is deeply flawed when one realises she has liars and cheats like Mick McTrough and David Bannerman as assentors - As a practicioner of Nural Linguistic ...
25 Aug 2010
25 Aug 2010
I was ferociously accused by Farage, Bannerman, Denny etc of attacking Mr Gill behind his back. To say I could not get a word in was an understatement. They were all making my point for me! Mr Gill should have been there! ...
18 Aug 2010
18 Aug 2010
BANNERMAN, David Campbell ANNOUNCED 18-Aug-2010 A Member of The Racist, anti Jewish Pan EU Political Party Group The EFD A Liar and a cheat currently under investigation for Fraud FURTHER DETAILS CLICK HERE BATTEN, Gerard ANNOUNCED ...
19 Aug 2010
19 Aug 2010
This was subsequent to The Chairman of UKIP the olleagenous and dishonest David Bannerman, currently under investigation for fraud, announced at a public meeting that Richard Suchorzewski was wrong when he claimed that less than 10% of ...
29 Aug 2010
29 Aug 2010
cheats, rogues and charlatans like Mark Croucher, Douglas Denny, David Bannerman, David Lott, John Moran, Andrew Smith, Malcolm Wood, Derek Clark, the weak, the venal and the greedy to lie, cheat and defame to enrich and engorge . ...
05 Aug 2010
05 Aug 2010
I trust this clarifies what you might has been misled to believe about me by proven liars like Douglas Denny, Michael McGough, Paul Nuttall, David Bannerman, Stuary Agnew, Malcolm Wood and their sordid ilk! Regards, Greg LW. ...
07 Aug 2010
07 Aug 2010
yet he befouls his own selection by having the liar and cheat David Bannerman, currently under investigation for corruption and fraud as his proposer and follows up with Reeve & Duffy - this man is either a fool or an unutterably ...
24 Aug 2010
24 Aug 2010
corruption of UKIP's self serving, self enriching trash that has risen to the top - whether criminal money laundering as with Stuart Agnew, Tom Wise or Lord Pearson or stealing public money as with Stuart Agnew & David Bannerman. ...
30 Aug 2010
30 Aug 2010
With filth and liars like Septyk, McTrough, Dippy Denny, David Bannerman, Godfrey Bloom, Peter Reeve, Mark Croucher, Gawain Towler, Derek Clark, Stuart Gulleford and the rest of the Racist, anti Jewish, homophobic filth on their side ...
29 Aug 2010
29 Aug 2010
One need only look at the corrupt list of signators including liars like David Bannerman who is currently under investigation for fraud by OLAF and then note the number of utterly corrupt decisions Gill has been party to as an NEC ...
27 Aug 2010
27 Aug 2010
His proposer and seconder are Christopher Gill and David Bannerman. His assentors include Pearson, Agnew, Andreasen, Denny, McGough and Jill Seymour. It is no wonder that these assorted crooks, liars, cowards and cheats back him! ...
26 Aug 2010
26 Aug 2010
BANNERMAN, David C. - MEP - E Region. UNELECTED PlaceMan UNDER INVESTIGATION for FRAUD & CORRUPTION. BOWN, Alan - SE Region - (2009-2012). BURTON, Elizabeth - SW Region - NEW. 1548 votes - Votes as instructed by Farage - FAR TOO OLD ...
24 Aug 2010
24 Aug 2010
... North Perthshire, but withdrew in accordance with UKIP's policy of not opposing other Eurosceptic parliamentary candidates. In June 2010, UKIP announced he had been appointed its deputy leader, to serve alongside David Bannerman. ...
20 Aug 2010
20 Aug 2010
Only Euro MP David Campbell Bannerman, one of UKIP's two deputy leaders, has said publicly he is planning a tilt at the leadership. Last night, the Earl of Dartmouth – who once stood as a Conservative MP and was last year removed from ...
18 Aug 2010
18 Aug 2010
... and Bridget (death) Rowe ( couldn't he take scum like Mick McGough, Douglas Denny, Mark Croucher, David Bannerman, Marta Andreasen, Trevor Colman, William Dartmouth, Paul Nuttall, Dimwit Duffy and the rest who so befoul the party? ...
29 Nov 2008
29 Nov 2008
FARAGE, NUTTALL & BANNERMAN SEEM VERY CONFUSED!! To Read Each Page - click on the page. To return to the document in full - click the back page arrow. Which part of official don't Nuttall & Farage Understand? ...
20 Aug 2010
20 Aug 2010
I can see absolutely no evidence that Farage, Batten, Colman, Clark, Buffton, Andreasen, Nuttall, Bloom, Bannerman or Agnew has made any consequential donations. Farage of course was paying his wife about £30000 a year to ostensibly . ...
01 Sep 2010
01 Sep 2010
All were extremely popular members of UKIP and would have easily beaten Bannerman and Agnew in a fair fight. Piers Merchant - the Returning Officer for the internal election - recommended to the NEC that the selection process be rerun. ...
17 Aug 2010
17 Aug 2010
Also in December we announced that Pearson would stand down immediately after the General Election surrendering his titular position to Bannerman - we were half right - he did stand down immediately after the election but was talked ...
12 Aug 2010
12 Aug 2010
Similarly Stuart Agnew has been clearly proven to be involved in corruption in public office, theft of public money and in collusion with his partner in the crime David Bannerman has acted criminally. ...
06 Jun 2010
06 Jun 2010
Stuart Agnew and David Bannerman face similar sentences for criminally defrauding the tax payer of a sum similar to that stolen by Wise – clearly it would be a travesty of Justice were tom Wise to have received 2 years encaceration for ...
27 May 2010
27 May 2010
Indeed despite Pearson's intent to resign as published on this blog in late November, where we said he intended to stand down after the election and hand over to Bent Bannerman the liar and cheat - the succession has become more ...
04 Aug 2010
04 Aug 2010
Nigel Farage, Bannerman and others are desparate to get this dishonest piece of filth on the NEC all the usual suspects have signed his form - no chance of EVER making UKIP electable with liars like this but his assenters etc. show ...
04 Jun 2010
04 Jun 2010
I just realised that could go for Farage and Bannerman or Pearson and Bannerman or Pearson and Monkton or Bannerman and Monkton with equal alacrity! Well on the 7th. the present bunch of corrupt pond life that are UKIP will have been in ...
31 Aug 2010
31 Aug 2010
... in his position - consider the lies and outright dishonesty - not least of that filth McTrough or Bannerman and the manner in which Gerard Batten, Farage, Trevor Colman, Godfrey Bloom, Derek Clark and others colluded CLICK HERE ...
30 Aug 2010
30 Aug 2010
It is the likes of Douglas Denny, Mick McTrough,, Kevin Mahoney, George Thomas, Mark Croucher, Gawain Towler, Paul Nuttall, Derek Clark, David Bannerman, Marta Andreasen, Hugh Williams, Peter Reeve, George Curtis, Gulleford, ...
23 May 2010
23 May 2010
UKIP is so busy trying to RIG the succession and ensure a coronation bypassing the members to ensure they get their planned Tory plant in place - the dishonest, corrupt and creepy David Bannerman who can be relied on to do as he is told ...
29 Jul 2010
29 Jul 2010
Then of course to add to that UKIP MEPs Stuart Agnew and David Bannerman are under investigation for fraudullently obtaining tax payers' money and embezzling it now more commonly known as 'Money Laundering' it for their own purposes as ...
13 May 2010
13 May 2010
No surprise to see Bannerman trying to spin Farage and Pearson out of the mess!. He still wants to be leader and needs to keep in Farage's good books! David Bannerman has a track record of failure and is a liar a cheat and a rogue, ...
13 May 2010
13 May 2010
David Bannerman, the then Farage puppet Chairman later admitted at a public hustings meeting that less than 15% of Ashford's income ever reached UKIP! The untrustworthy serial liar and cheat David Bannerman, who has recently been ...
25 May 2010
25 May 2010
UKIP is so busy trying to RIG the succession and ensure a coronation, for its latest leader, bypassing the members to ensure they get their planned Tory plant in place - the dishonest, corrupt and creepy David Bannerman who can be ...
08 May 2010
08 May 2010
We understand that additionally Stuart Agnew, Pearson, David Bannerman, Nigel Farage and Peter Reeve will be under investigation by OLAF for their corruption as proven and shown by The Sunday Times. Then we have this piece of filth: ...
20 Aug 2010
20 Aug 2010
Bloom, Farage, Colman, Dartmouth, Nuttall, Andreasen, Bufton, Batten, Bannerman, Clark, Agnew and the rest of the racist anti Jewish, scum that form UKIP's bunch of self serving parasites have clearly found a spin reprasentative who ...
23 Jul 2010
23 Jul 2010
David Bannerman is also a fraud, petty crook, cheat and serial liar. UKIP is all but bankrupt and awaiting a judgement for their dishonesty that could see them with a bill for over £1M but that is small beer to the huge amount of money ...
14 Jul 2010
14 Jul 2010
... cheats, rogues and charlatans like Mark Croucher, Douglas Denny, David Bannerman, David Lott, John Moran, Andrew Smith, Malcolm Wood, Derek Clark, the weak, the venal and the greedy to lie, cheat and defame to enrich and engorge ...
20 Aug 2010
20 Aug 2010
It is the likes of Douglas Denny, Mick McTrough, Mark Croucher, Gawain Towler, Paul Nuttall, Derek Clark, David Bannerman, Marta Andreasen, Hugh Williams, Peter Reeve, George Curtis, Gulleford, Graham Booth, William Dartmouth, ...
08 Jun 2010
08 Jun 2010
It is understood that the plan was to let Lord Pearson drop out of the titular role of leader and although he would not come back as leader with his hand operating the dishonest and corrupt David Bannerman Farage would continue as ...
13 May 2010
13 May 2010
It sure wasn't profitable for UKIP as it does rather look like a scam for its directors who seem to have stolen the money for themselves since Richard Suchorzewski tricked the very foolish David Bannerman into admitting that less than ...
25 May 2010
25 May 2010
Perhaps Ron Ransome is aware that the criminal case can not be far away - even if Tom Wise UKIP MEP (ex) is now out of prison and the enquiry into the theft and false accounting of Stuart Agnew, David Bannerman and Peter Reeve is not ...
20 May 2010
20 May 2010
Heaven fore-fend could it be wee Gelly Batty, Rabid Bannerman & & the hairless Nutless trying to apportion credits to take the leadership? They do say a new Broom Sweeps Clean: By Nightmare V we come alive ...
19 May 2010
19 May 2010
David Bannerman so reveilled by many in the party for his odious personal behaviour, serial dishonesty, corruption and cheating has proved far too weak and dishonest to lead the party - as the Tories found, a mere bag carrier! ...
29 May 2010
29 May 2010
... and the dishonest attacks on other wanabe gravy train passengers in the hands of his neophyte Gulliford, who colluded in the dishonesty and lies of David Bannerman to position himself on the list in the corrupt selection process. ...
23 May 2010
23 May 2010
But whatever you do don't let those blog chappies know the problem but somehow they have to trick the members into believing they want that awful creepy David Bannerman as leader - even if we have to call him Campbell or something. ...
08 Nov 2008
08 Nov 2008
But as you all know David Bannerman is a fantasist, fraud, liar and wanabe script writer, who is DESPERATE to have a proper job after so many years as a serial failure & bag carrier for the Tories – he must feel such a pratt having made ...
02 Dec 2009
#745* - BANNERMAN SHOWN FOR THE FOOL HE IS Clean EUkip up NOW & make UKIP electable! The corruption of some of EUkip's leadership, their anti UKIP claque & the NEC is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name! BANNERMAN SHOWN FOR THE FOOL ...
02 Nov 2008
02 Nov 2008
I Repeat my statement from posting #99* David Bannerman, David Campbell, David Campbell Bannerman or what ever his real identity is is a fraud, a liar and a cheat whose involvement with EUkip has indisputably brought the party into ...
02 Nov 2008
02 Nov 2008
Sorry it suits my plan to make this a difficult paper trail to follow – The outcome by whatever route anyone of integrity takes is to demand WILL THE LIAR, FRAUD, CHEAT and general low life David Bannerman, whoever he may claim to be, ...
09 Nov 2008
09 Nov 2008
Bannerman.Despite leafleting, widespread advertising and a great deal of promotion you will have noted that the EUkip Rally at Capel St. Mary was an unmitigated disaster – having hired a Hall and after all the effort you found out just ...
15 Nov 2008
15 Nov 2008
To permit people who have so clearly brought EUkip into disrepute is crass beyond belief - as crass as still being prepared to be associated with David Bannerman who has been proven to be a fraud, a liar and a cheat and acting ...
16 Jan 2009
16 Jan 2009
A few weeks earlier D Bannerman had attempted to entrap David Abbott into leaking by sending out a spoof email appearing to go to all the NEC but in fact only going to David Abbott. David and I spotted this crude device. ...
06 Nov 2008
06 Nov 2008
The only attempt to damage UKIP over the last 4 years has been:I believe Nigel Farage and various of his associates such as Denny, Bannerman, Croucher, Nuttall and others have acted as recruiting sergeants for the BNP. ...
03 Nov 2008
03 Nov 2008
Astonishingly the EUkip leadership are so dishonest and corrupt that they believe their behaviour, led by the proven liar, fraud and bullying cheat Bannerman though it seems he may well still (like Stephen Sobey) be working for the ...
12 Feb 2009
12 Feb 2009
They do say of a salesman that he is only as good as his last sale - does that not leave you, Farage, Bannerman and the restof your team with only one honourable course of action - to resign and give UKIP and these United Kingdoms a ...
09 Dec 2008
09 Dec 2008
Mary for its so called deputy David Bannerman who now works for the EU, in direct conflict with his aims and claims as deputy leader of EUkip - Gone Native springs to mind - like Marta Andreassen I gather his CV also left out various ...
21 Jan 2009
21 Jan 2009
We understand that NuttAll was shocked at the unpopularity of Farage, the sordid little liar and cheat Bannerman, the fact that George Curtis was shouted down at times, clearly seen for the self serving liar he is and ended up shaking ...
03 Feb 2009
03 Feb 2009
David Bannerman is clearly a liar and a cheat pretending to be a descendent of a near unknown politician over 100 years ago to gain benefit. To this day he has refused to appologise for his dishonesty. ...
16 Nov 2008
16 Nov 2008
I am writing to you regarding comments made to me by Stuart Gulleford concerning David Campbell Bannerman, Gerard Batten and Christopher Hudson. He has on more than one occasion complained to me about them speaking at events in the East ...
04 Nov 2008
I wonder will they pursue the shaven headed Liverpool Scally Farage has put in as his puppet or the undeniably corrupt Bannerman or perchance that other man of straw and liar Douglas Denny or the cheat and clearly corrupt Lisa Duffy or ...
12 Nov 2008
I now publish below the full text as shamefully drawn up by the sad failure Bannerman and endorsed by the proven corrupt NEC only one of whom spoke out in disgust at this behaviour, Drs. Abbott & Edmond having already left in disgust, ...
07 Nov 2008
Similarly the fact that Bannerman who is a proven liar, fraud and cheat is deputy leader and in the employ of the EU is a measure of the manner in which EUkip would seek to lead or represent if voted into any office. ...
30 Oct 2008
By the by as an aside had you noted that EUkip's web site is so fundamentally biased that a debate in Cambridge is presented as a great achievement despite the undeniable fact that the fraudulent liar and cheat David the desk Bannerman ...
05 Jan 2009
It is noted that Ma Zucherman is failing to act in the interest of EUkip by failing to advise David Bannerman, Michael McGough, Douglas Denny, Andrew Smith and other obvious liars in the party heirachy to silence and for the sake of the ...
02 Dec 2008
In terms of direct corruption on the part of Lisa Duffy to gain election to EUkip's corrupt NEC and leadership team is that she willingly accepted the support of her election to the NEC from David the desk Bannerman who is proven, ...
10 Jan 2009
In normal life we are all of a callibre that we would avoid scum like Moran, Croucher, Fuller, NuttAll, Towler, Gollom, Deny, Bannerman, Duffy and the rest of the self seeking low lifes that have been USED as useful idiots to berate and ...
11 Jan 2009
David Bannerman who lied and cheated to con his way into top place on the dishonest listing of candidates (See: Returning Officer's Report) - David Bannerman has consitently brought EUkip into disrepute with his lies and serial ...
04 Jan 2009
Edmond & others - THEN look at the trash gathered around the table in judgement - proven liars like Bannerman and not a single individual of repute remaining on the NEC. No wonder they have so little understanding of concepts of Justice ...
19 Jan 2009
The failure to heave Bannerman out not only because of his lies but also he is clearly useless - out of 14 simple policies he has turned up after almost 2 years with 7 simplistic and utterly childish policies ALL uncosted and without ...
11 Feb 2009
Of Course a liar and cheat like David Bannerman would wish to use the unelected committee to steal the money as he wants to use it to advance his dishonest corrupt and shamefull grab for a place with his snout in the EU trough on the ...
11 Feb 2009
The new management method of fascist style leadership with its corrupt NEC unelected puppet chairman, fraud, liar and cheat David Bannerman willing it seems to tell and support any lie to get his snout in the EU troughs, Farage who was ...
26 Nov 2008
The Pathetic little desk is getting less and less significant as more and more people realise that David Bannerman is dishonest, a liar, a fraud and a cheat - but he has got a coupon cut out of a breakfast serial packet to prove he ...
12 Dec 2008
Mr Zuckerman as party secretary and legal advisor was also helpful in confirming that Mr Bannerman being paid by EU money, an organisation EUKIP avowedly wishes to leave, was not a bar to Mr Bannerman being a member of UKIP NEC and ...
17 Dec 2008
Edmond was defamed were baseless lies and dishonesty of David Bannerman who has been shown of no value or ability in EUkip and who has brought the party into disrepute with his proven lies and serial dishonesty. ...
04 Nov 2008
Would that be the deliberate lies, bullying and dishonesty from the fraud and liar David Bannerman or were you thinking of the lies and dishonesty of one of EUkip's other appointed officers – or even perhaps the liar Mark Croucher or ...
21 Nov 2008
How dare these sordid treacherous, drunken womanising liars and frauds like David the desk Bannerman who has lied cheated and dissembled regarding who he is again and again and again so betrayed the principles of the party they are ...
13 Jan 2009
Already they have parachuted in a cronie of the liar, fraud and cheat David Bannerman who has dishonestly placed himself at the top of the Eastern Region List see the report at LINK. The new campaign manager Ken Irvine would seem to ...
01 Sep 2010
All were extremely popular members of UKIP and would have easily beaten Bannerman and Agnew in a fair fight. Piers Merchant - the Returning Officer for the internal election - recommended to the NEC that the selection process be rerun. ...
07 Sep 2010
Nigel is still upset about that Bannerman speech or so he claims! We should tell you that Bannerman's speech was not written by him. It was too good! See: LINK We are not surprised that David wants to run UKIP. He has done comedy before ...

On Bannerman's Bombay birth certificate his first names are David Campbell and his surname is Bannerman. He used to known as David Bannerman. When he stood in Scotland it suddenly became David Campbell-Bannerman (with a hyphen). ...
26 Aug 2010
Mr Williams was thrown out of his own UKIP Branch as chairman for corruption - including colluding with Malcolm Wood to out manoeuvre the decisions of the Branch Committee - nominated Bannerman. We guess someone had to endorse the lying ...
03 Sep 2010
03 Sep 2010
The BBC's early morning coverage of the conference briefly mentioned that Bannerman was going to launch a veiled attack on Farage. And they were right. However, it is a bit rich for Bannerman to criticize the man who made him an MEP. ...
06 Apr 2010
“I can tell you that Peter is paid partly by me out of my assistance allowance here partly by David Bannerman . He does very little work for us, virtually none. He is working for the party. And that's strictly illegal.” ...
01 Apr 2010
David Bannerman clearly enjoys being an MEP. He is always the first to grab any EU freebies. In this photo he takes advantage of the facilities offered by one of Strasbourg's more exclusive clubs.
04 Apr 2010
“I can tell you that Peter is paid partly by me out of my assistance allowance here partly by David [Campbell] Bannerman [another UKIP MEP]. He does very little work for us, virtually none. He is working for the party. ...
02 Aug 2010
I also found it unacceptable to find Bannerman, someone whom I was expected to work with, was attempting by the most sordid underhand devices attempting to entrap David Abbott. You cannot work with people who behave like Bannerman or ...
05 Sep 2010
05 Sep 2010
David Bannerman later admitted that less than 15% of Ashford's income reached UKIP! So where did the rest end up? Donations made to UKIP simply vanished into thin air. Nigel Farage is the only man who can tell us where the money went. ...
27 Jan 2010
David Bannerman, who didn't turn up at all, and the Earl of Dartmouth. The latter breezed in 25 minutes after the meeting started, actually missing the entire Spanish presentation. He sat for 5 minutes reading the Financial Times, ...
12 Aug 2010
Assentors include Farage, Bannerman, Oxley, Monckton & Dartmouth. Shifty. Avoid this one like the plague! George Curtis. Aged 73. One of the most corrupt individuals ever to sit on UKIP's NEC! Heavily involved in the rigging of the MEP ...
30 Jun 2009
30 Jun 2009
Sometimes he refers to himself as David Bannerman, David Campbell-Bannerman or David Campbell Bannerman. He claims to be a script writer but has anyone ever seen ANY of his scripts? He has been accused of attempted bribery. ...
12 Jul 2010
David Bannerman. Exposed by the Sunday Times after it emerged that he was illegally paying Peter Reeve out of his EU staffing allowances. Is currently the subject of several complaints to OLAF. Serial liar who claims to be related to a ...
06 Apr 2010
UKIPPERS in the Eastern Region are still reeling from the shock after reading in the Sunday Times that Stuart Agnew and David Bannerman were prepared to illegally use their staffing allowances to pay Peter Reeve. ...
14 Aug 2010
Bannerman's placeman. Indeed, Bannerman was his proposer. Can be counted on to do his master's bidding. Has already upset many UKIPPERS in the Eastern Region due to his willingness to turn a blind eye to corruption. ...
05 Sep 2010
We are pleased to note that Farage is still spitting feathers after Bannerman made a speech criticising him. See: LINK Gerard's speech was rather good. However, he refused to discuss his leadership bid. The highlight of the conference ...
11 Mar 2010
David Bannerman is keen to promote his bogus ancestry and his equally bogus claim to be related to a former prime minister. This Tory failure and serial liar only came over to UKIP after Roger Knapman promised him the chance to be a ...
29 Jun 2009
Both of UKIP's Eastern Region MEP's - Stuart Agnew and David Bannerman - refused to fund the event. This is despite the fact that both will earn over £80000 a year as MEPs. And this figure does not include their expenses! ...
05 Oct 2009
You will be aware that the fat, slimy and odious David Bannerman has withdrawn from the UKIP leadership race. Here are the reasons behind his resignation: He stood no chance of winning. Too many UKIPPERS rightly regard him as a proven ...
15 Apr 2010
The scandal involving Agnew, Reeve, Bannerman, Farage and Pearson continues to get publicity. The Suffolk Free Press - which covers the constituency where Bannerman is standing as a PPC - has also run with the story first featured in ...
03 Jun 2010
But we note that Bannerman is still hoping for a rapid promotion. After all, he has been promised the leadership! But don't forget that he is under investigation by OLAF after it was revealed in The Sunday Times that he was illegally ...
24 May 2010
Or are costs escalating in Huntingdonshire because Pete claims to work 38 hours per week for Agnew and Campbell Bannerman and also claims to work 100 hours a week in his 'spare' time for ukip (Source: Pete Reeve quoted in 'The Town ...
29 May 2009
When Bannerman came over to UKIP he insisted that he be lead MEP candidate in a region of his choice. He also insisted that he be considered for the leadership. Although he failed in his first attempt to become leader he still regards ...
06 Aug 2009
Peter Reeve will also continue to be employed as RO by Bannerman and Agnew. It was also announced by Agnew that the title of Regional Organiser would be dropped as EU officials were raising concerns over the way UKIP was using EU money ...
05 May 2009
Complaint concerned John West's alleged harassment, defamation and abuse of David Bannerman and other NEC members. Complaint also concerned 'all those that have been engaged in these vile, selfish and disloyal attacks on the party'. ...
08 Dec 2009
UKIP leader Malcolm Pearson today confirmed that he was retaining David Campbell Bannerman as the Party Deputy Leader. "I am delighted to reappoint David", said Lord Pearson, "I know he has been an invaluable asset in the role ...
15 Jan 2009
The authors of the allegations, Bannerman, an EU employee and Oxley were both allowed to vote on their own case. Clearly UKIP NEC believes in EU style justice. UKIP now behaves like the EU, a worrying development. ...

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